"தர்ம நெறி 2010.04" பக்கத்தின் திருத்தங்களுக்கிடையேயான வேறுபாடு

நூலகம் இல் இருந்து
தாவிச் செல்ல:வழிசெலுத்தல், தேடுக
சி (Text replace - "பகுப்பு:இதழ்கள்" to "")
(2 பயனர்களால் செய்யப்பட்ட 2 இடைப்பட்ட திருத்தங்கள் காட்டப்படவில்லை.)
வரிசை 11: வரிசை 11:
=={{Multi|வாசிக்க|To Read}}==
=={{Multi|வாசிக்க|To Read}}==
* [http://noolaham.net/project/66/6589/6589.pdf தர்மநெறி 28 (1.15 MB)] {{P}}
* [http://noolaham.net/project/66/6589/6589.pdf தர்மநெறி 2010.04 (28) (1.15 MB)] {{P}}
[[பகுப்பு:தர்ம நெறி]]
[[பகுப்பு:தர்ம நெறி]]
<!--ocr_link-->* [http://noolaham.net/project/66/6589/6589.html தர்ம நெறி 2010.04 (எழுத்துணரியாக்கம்)]<!--ocr_link-->
=={{Multi| உள்ளடக்கம்|Contents}}==
*What is Atma? Is it soul? Is Atma and soul are one and the same?
*What is the probability or chance of a person taken the human body again in the next birth?
*When was original epic Ramayana written?
*With how many shlokas was epic Mahabharata written by Vyas muni in the beginning?
*What are the five basic matters mentioned in the Vedas and from where did these come?
*What is quintessence?
*What are the names of Sapta Rishis?
*Is it possible to believe in good fortune, bad luck, chance, drishti dosha,etc. In life according to the Vedas?
*What is the most established model for the Universe?
*What is said in Veda about the number of days in an year?
*Can we believe in fate according to Veda?
*What is Karma and reincarnation?
*What is Nirvana?
*What is mentioned in Hinduism about unit of time or time factor?
*Can you brief about Yogi Paramahansa Yogananda?
*What is Samadhi?
*What is Rta with reference to Hinduism?
*What is the difference between God and soul with reference to Hindu Veda?
*What are the names of twenty eight Siva agama?
*What is the meaning of the mantra ‘saha naavavatu..’?

02:55, 31 ஆகத்து 2021 இல் கடைசித் திருத்தம்

தர்ம நெறி 2010.04
நூலக எண் 6589
வெளியீடு ஏப்ரல் 2010
சுழற்சி மாதமொருமுறை
இதழாசிரியர் B. Sarma
மொழி தமிழ்
பக்கங்கள் 11



  • What is Atma? Is it soul? Is Atma and soul are one and the same?
  • What is the probability or chance of a person taken the human body again in the next birth?
  • When was original epic Ramayana written?
  • With how many shlokas was epic Mahabharata written by Vyas muni in the beginning?
  • What are the five basic matters mentioned in the Vedas and from where did these come?
  • What is quintessence?
  • What are the names of Sapta Rishis?
  • Is it possible to believe in good fortune, bad luck, chance, drishti dosha,etc. In life according to the Vedas?
  • What is the most established model for the Universe?
  • What is said in Veda about the number of days in an year?
  • Can we believe in fate according to Veda?
  • What is Karma and reincarnation?
  • What is Nirvana?
  • What is mentioned in Hinduism about unit of time or time factor?
  • Can you brief about Yogi Paramahansa Yogananda?
  • What is Samadhi?
  • What is Rta with reference to Hinduism?
  • What is the difference between God and soul with reference to Hindu Veda?
  • What are the names of twenty eight Siva agama?
  • What is the meaning of the mantra ‘saha naavavatu..’?
"https://noolaham.org/wiki/index.php?title=தர்ம_நெறி_2010.04&oldid=458206" இருந்து மீள்விக்கப்பட்டது