முன்னொட்டுச் சுட்டியுடன் உள்ள அனைத்துப் பக்கங்களும்
நூலகம் இல் இருந்து
- M. H. Mohamed A Life Sketch
- MEGA add 2012.06 (1)
- MEGA add 2012.08-09 (2)
- MEGA add 2012.11-12
- MGHS PPA Canada Annual Get together: J/ Methodist Girls High School 2011
- Maaveerar Naal 2021
- Macbeth: The Text, Synopsis, Comments and Glossary
- Macbeth Daggers: A Novel
- Madhu
- Madras Government Museum Coins Catalogue No.2 Roman Indo-Portuguese, and Ceylon
- Magic, Science, Religion, and The Scope of Rationality
- Magteen 2012.12
- Mahajana College: Carnibal Soubenir 1954
- Mahajana College: Scout Golden Jubilee 1936-1986
- Mahajana College Golden Jubllee 1960
- Mahajana Day 2012 (Silver Jubilee)
- Mahajana college: Golden Jubilee Celebration: Educational Exhibition & Cultural Festival 1960
- Mahaweli: Projects & Programme
- Mahaweli Water For Adjacent Basins
- Mahayana Monuments in Ceylon
- Maheswaran in Parliament: English Version of Selected Speeches
- Mahmud Malar: K/ Badi Ud Din Mahmud Girls College 2010
- Mainstreaming Climate Change for Sustainable Development in Sri Lanka: Towards A National Agenda for Action
- Making South Asian Cities Habitable: A Perspective from the Past
- Malaiyaha (Up-country) Tamil Identity and Politics in the Twenty First Century
- Malarum moddukkul 2006
- Malay: Songs & Lyrics - Poems & Pantuns
- Malayaga Makkal Ondrium: Culture Night 2007
- Malayaha Tamils: Power Sharing And Local Democracy in Sri Lanka
- Malayan Migration Jaffna Society
- Malaysia: Neo Colonialism in Practice
- Maldivian Linguistic Studies
- Mallebaars Catechismus en Gebede Boek
- Man and Morals
- Management Accountancy in Ceylon
- Management Times 2011
- Maniampathiar Santhathimurai: A Genealogy of the Residents of Manipay and Related Inhabitancies
- Manifesto and Constitution of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party
- Manimekalai 1963
- Manipay Hindu College: Golden Jubilee 1960
- Manipay Hindu College: Sivadasan Number 1964
- Manipay Hindu College 1952-1953
- Manipay Hindu College Magazine 1967
- Manipay Hindu Miscellany 1960
- Mannar - Sri Lanka
- Mannar a Monograph
- Manual of Personnel Procedure
- Manual of The Province of Uva
- Manual of the Census of Ceylon, 1901
- Manual of the Nuwara Eliya District of the Central...
- Many Roads Through Paradise: An Anthology of Sri Lankan Literature
- Mapping Civil Society Engagement with the Women Parliamentarians Caucus
- Mapping Sri Lanka's Political Parties
- Maps Approach Supporting Sdg Implementation in Sri Lanka 2022
- Marakatha Malai: Children's Picture Dictionary
- Marga 1972 (1.4)
- Marga 1973 (2.1)
- Marga 1973 (2.2)
- Marga 1974 (2.3)
- Marga 1976 (3.1)
- Marga 1977 (4.1)
- Marga 1977 (4.3)
- Marga 1979 (5.4)
- Marga 1982 (6.4)
- Marga 1983 (7.1)
- Marga 1984 (7.2&3)
- Marga 1985 (8.1)
- Marga 1987 (8.4)
- Marga 1989 (10.2)
- Maritime Commerce and English Power
- Maritime Heritage of Lanka: Ancient Ports and Harbours
- Maritime Museum
- Marrying Peace and Justice in the Aftermath of Conflict
- Martin, J. M. (நினைவுமலர்)
- Martyrs of the Freedom of Expression in Sri Lanka
- Maruthamunai Telephone Directory
- Marxist Leninist New Democracy (63)
- Marxist Leninist New Democracy 2014.01 (50)
- Marxist Leninist New Democracy 71
- Masks of Ceylon
- Mass Grave Sites in Sri Lanka: History and Legal Framework
- Massacres of Tamils 1956-2008
- Master and Servant Ordinance
- Masulipatnam and Cambay
- Mathematical Tables
- Mathematics: Grade 10
- Mathematics: Grade 7
- Mathematics 1: Grade 11
- Mathematics 1: Grade 6
- Mathematics 1: Grade 7
- Mathematics 1: Grade 8
- Mathematics 1: Grade 9
- Mathematics 2: Grade 10
- Mathematics 2: Grade 11
- Mathematics 2: Grade 6
- Mathematics 2: Grade 7
- Mathematics 2: Grade 8
- Mathematics 2: Grade 9
- Mathematics for Computing
- Maths: Activity Book 1
- Maths: Activity Book 2
- Matrilineal Communities, Patriarchal Realities: A Feminist Nirvana Uncovered
- Matrimonial Property and Gender Inequality: A Study of Thesawalamai
- Mauritius and Ceylon
- Mechanics: G. C. E. A/L
- Media Behavior - Presidential Election 2005
- Media Directory 2010
- Media Guide of Sri Lanka: Year 2000 Edition
- Media Monitor 1997.06 (1.1)
- Media Monitor 2004.08
- Media Monitor 2006.05-06
- Medical Institute of Tamils: 22nd Annual General Meeting 2011
- Medical Institute of Tamils: 28th Annual General Meeting 2016
- Medical Institute of Tamils: 28th Annual General Meeting 2017
- Medical Institute of Tamils: A Duty of Care And A Duty To Care
- Medical Institute of Tamils: Annual General Meeting 2018
- Medical Institute of Tamils: Annual Report 1997
- Medical Institute of Tamils: Youth Forum
- Medical institue of tamils: 28th Annual meeting 2016
- Medicinal Plants: in Periyapandivirichchan Madhu
- Medico Nite 1980.11
- Medicos' Week 2002
- Medicos' Week 2008
- Medicos' Week 2014
- Medicos Week 2009
- Medieval Tamils in Lanka = Ilankai
- Melboure - Rochbank Kundrathu Kumaran Temple Appearance and Development 2021
- Members of The Legislative Council During the Session of 1895-96
- Memoir By Anthony Mooyaart, Commandeur of Jaffnapatham...
- Memoir Left By Gustaaf Willem Baron Van Imhoff, Governor and Director of Ceylon to His Successor Willem Maurits Bruynink
- Memoir Left By Jacob Christiaan Pielat to His Successor Diederik Van Domburg
- Memoir Left By Ryclof Van Goens, Jun
- Memoir by Anthony Mooyaart Commandeur of Jaffnapatam...
- Memoir of Charles Lathrop Winslow : Who Was Born in Ceylon (1834)
- Memoir of Charles Lathrop Winslow : who was born in Ceylon
- Memoir of Cornelis Joan Simons, Governor and Director of Ceylon For His Successor Hendrick Becker
- Memoir of Daniel Overbeek
- Memoir of Hendrick Becker Governor and Director of Ceylon For His Successor Isaac Augustyn Rumpf
- Memoir of Hendrick Zwaardecroon, Commandeur of Jaffnapatam, 1697
- Memoir of Librecht Hooreman Commandeur of Jaffna
- Memoir of Rev Claudius Buchanan, D.D
- Memoir of Thomas Van Rhee, Governor and Director of Ceylon For His Successor Gerrit De Heere
- Memoir on The History of The Tooth- Relic of Ceylon
- Memoir on The History of The Tooth - Relic of Ceylon (2001)
- Memoirs and Services of the Eighty-Third Regiment, from 1793 to 1863
- Memoirs of Mrs. Elizabeth Harvard, Late of the Wesleyan Mission to Ceylon and India
- Memoirs of a Cabinet Secretary
- Memoirs of the Archaeological Survey of Ceylon - Vol. III
- Memoirs of the Archaeological Survey of Ceylon - Vol. V
- Memoirs of the Archaeological Survey of Ceylon - Vol. VI
- Memorandum on Indo Ceylon Relations of The Ceylon Indian Congress Delegation in Connection With The Exploratory Conference Between The Governments of India & Ceylon 1940
- Memorial Pages: National College of Education Vavuniya 2016-2018
- Memorial Tribute to Honour PROF. Alagaiah Thurairajah
- Memories are for Ever
- Memory and Message
- Men and Memories
- Mental Health In The Tamil Community
- Mental Mathematics
- Mentor 1995.01 (1)
- Mentoring
- Merciless Monstrous Hunter - An Anthology
- Message of the East Vol XII
- Methodist Church Ceylon: Jubilee Souvenir 1814-1964
- Methodist Girls High School Magazine 1970
- Methodist Girls High School Magazine 1971
- Methodist Girls High School Magazine 1972-1974
- Methodist Girls High School Old Girls Association Canada: Annual Dinner 1993
- Methodist Girls High School PPA: Annual Report 2007-2008
- Methodist Girls High School Past Pupils Association UK: Annual Report 2009
- Methodist Girls Higt School PPA Canada: Celebrating 20 year 2012
- Methyl Bromide: Quarantine and Pre - Shipment Uses
- Middle of Silence
- Mikroskopische Susswasserthiere Aus Ceylon
- Milagiriya School Magazine 1941
- Millennium Book Land
- Millennium Media Directory 2003
- Mineralogical notes
- Minorities and Constitutional Reforms
- Minority Politics in Sri Lanka
- Minority Protection in South Asia
- Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Ceylon Mission
- Mirage
- Mirage (2006)
- Mirdangam
- Missionary Records China , Burmah, ceylon
- Missionary Tours in India and Ceylon
- Missions Bilder: Neue Serie Asien Ceylon und Hinterindien
- Mistaking Politics for Governance: The Politics of Interim Arrangements in Srilanka 2002-2005
- Mixed Diet is The Natural Food For Man
- Mn/Karunkandal R.C.T.M.V Annual Prize Giving - 2013
- Model Essays 30
- Model Essays 31
- Model Essays 50
- Model Essays 60
- Model Essays for G. C. E. (O/L) Examination
- Model Papers in English With Answers
- Modern Ceylon Studies 1970.01 (1.1)
- Modern Ceylon Studies 1970.07 (1.2)
- Modern Ceylon Studies 1971.01 (2.1)
- Modern Ceylon Studies 1971.07 (2.2)
- Modern Ceylon Studies 1972.07 (3.1)
- Modern Ceylon Studies 1973.01-07
- Modern Ceylon Studies 1974.01 (5.1)
- Modern Ceylon Studies 1974.07 (5.2)
- Modern Ceylon Studies 1976 (7.1&2)
- Modern Ceylon Through a Looking Glass
- Modern Nazis Sadist's
- Modern Sannyasins, Parallel Society And Hindu Replications
- Modern Sri Lanka: A Society in Transition
- Modern Sri Lanka Studies 1986.12 (1.2)
- Modern Sri Lankan Stories
- Modernist Theory Trimming the Printed Word: The Instance of Pre-modern Sinhala Society
- Mohan Sivarajaratnam (நினைவு மலர்)
- Moments in Culture
- Mondern Muslim Citizenship in 1940s Ceylon: Identity, Politics and Community Aspirations at the Moors...
- Monetary Exploitation
- Monograph of The Batticaloa District of The Eastern Province Ceylon
- Monographs on Tea Production In Ceylon
- Monographs on Tea Production In Ceylon (1983)
- Monsoon Journal 2006.12
- Monsoon Journal 2007.01
- Monsoon Journal 2007.02
- Monsoon Journal 2007.03
- Monsoon Journal 2007.05
- Monsoon Journal 2007.06
- Monsoon Journal 2007.07
- Monsoon Journal 2007.08
- Monsoon Journal 2007.09
- Monsoon Journal 2007.10
- Monsoon Journal 2007.11
- Monsoon Journal 2008.02
- Monsoon Journal 2008.03
- Monsoon Journal 2008.04
- Monsoon Journal 2008.05
- Monsoon Journal 2008.06
- Monsoon Journal 2008.07
- Monsoon Journal 2008.08
- Monsoon Journal 2008.09
- Monsoon Journal 2008.10
- Monsoon Journal 2008.11
- Monsoon Journal 2008.12
- Monsoon Journal 2009.01
- Monsoon Journal 2009.03
- Monsoon Journal 2009.04
- Monsoon Journal 2009.05
- Monsoon Journal 2009.06
- Monsoon Journal 2009.07
- Monsoon Journal 2009.08
- Monsoon Journal 2009.09
- Monsoon Journal 2009.10
- Monsoon Journal 2009.11
- Monsoon Journal 2009.12
- Monsoon Journal 2010.01
- Monsoon Journal 2010.02
- Monsoon Journal 2010.03
- Monsoon Journal 2010.04
- Monsoon Journal 2010.05
- Monsoon Journal 2010.06
- Monsoon Journal 2010.07
- Monsoon Journal 2010.08
- Monsoon Journal 2010.09
- Monsoon Journal 2010.10
- Monsoon Journal 2010.11
- Monsoon Journal 2010.12
- Monsoon Journal 2011.01
- Monsoon Journal 2011.02
- Monsoon Journal 2011.03
- Monsoon Journal 2011.04
- Monsoon Journal 2011.06
- Monsoon Journal 2011.07
- Monsoon Journal 2011.08
- Monsoon Journal 2011.09
- Monsoon Journal 2011.10
- Monsoon Journal 2011.11
- Monsoon Journal 2011.12
- Monsoon Journal 2012.01
- Monsoon Journal 2012.02
- Monsoon Journal 2012.03
- Monsoon Journal 2012.04
- Monsoon Journal 2012.05
- Monsoon Journal 2012.06
- Monsoon Journal 2012.07
- Monsoon Journal 2012.08
- Monsoon Journal 2012.09
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- Monsoon Journal 2012.11
- Monsoon Journal 2012.12
- Monsoon Journal 2013.01
- Monsoon Journal 2013.02
- Monsoon Journal 2013.03
- Monsoon Journal 2013.04
- Monsoon Journal 2013.05
- Monsoon Journal 2013.06
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- Monsoon Journal 2013.08
- Monsoon Journal 2013.09
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- Monsoon Journal 2014.01
- Monsoon Journal 2014.02
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- Monsoon Journal 2015.04
- Monsoon Journal 2015.05
- Monsoon Journal 2015.06
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- Monsoon Journal 2016.04
- Monsoon Journal 2016.05
- Monsoon Journal 2016.06
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- Monsoon Journal 2016.08
- Monsoon Journal 2016.09
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- Monsoon Journal 2017.01
- Monsoon Journal 2017.02
- Monsoon Journal 2017.03
- Monsoon Journal 2017.04
- Monsoon Journal 2017.06