முன்னொட்டுச் சுட்டியுடன் உள்ள அனைத்துப் பக்கங்களும்
நூலகம் இல் இருந்து
- DXN கலாச்சாரம்: DXN Culture
- Dafther Jailany
- Daily English with Tamil
- Dalits of Sri lanka
- Dambulla Rock Temple
- Dansk-Engelsk-Tamilsk Medical Handbook & Dictionary
- Dare to Dream: Heroic Tales for the Tamil Diaspora
- Dark Antonyms and Paradise
- Das Christenthum in Ceylon
- Database on Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve
- Dawn 2006
- Days of God's Right Hand : Our Mission Tour in Australasia and Ceylon
- Days of Old: or The Commencement of The Coffee Enterprise in Ceylon
- De Opkomst Van Het Nederlandsch Gezag over Ceilon
- Dealing with Diversity: Sri Lankan Discourses on Peace and Conflict
- Dear Sri Lanka Ambassador
- Debates in the Feminist Movement
- Debates in the Legislative Council of Ceylon 1925.01.30
- Debates in the Legislative Council of Ceylon 1925.02.06
- Debates in the Legislative Council of Ceylon 1925.03.26
- Debates in the Legislative Council of Ceylon 1925.04.02
- Debates in the Legislative Council of Ceylon 1925.06.18
- Debates in the Legislative Council of Ceylon 1925.06.19
- Debates in the Legislative Council of Ceylon 1925.07.03
- Debates in the Legislative Council of Ceylon 1925.07.22
- Debates in the Legislative Council of Ceylon 1925.07.23
- Debates in the Legislative Council of Ceylon 1925.07.24
- Debates in the Legislative Council of Ceylon 1925.07.30
- Debates in the Legislative Council of Ceylon 1925.07.31
- Debates in the Legislative Council of Ceylon 1925.08.27
- Debates in the Legislative Council of Ceylon 1925.08.28
- Debates in the Legislative Council of Ceylon 1925.10.01
- Debates in the Legislative Council of Ceylon 1925.10.08
- Debates in the Legislative Council of Ceylon 1925.10.09
- Debates in the Legislative Council of Ceylon 1925.11.20
- Decades of Cricket Achievement 1963-1993
- Declaration of the Council of Cooperation & Coordination Operating under All Ceylon Jamiyyathul...
- Declaration of the Plantation People in Sri Lanka
- Declaratios & Resolutions
- Declaratios of Unity
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- Dedication And Opening of St. Thomas Church: Jaffna University Christian Students Centre 1987
- Degree Of Master Of Education
- Dementia: A Practical Guide for the Patient and Carer
- Demographic Study of The City of Colombo
- Department of Agriculture Reports on Insect Pests in Ceylon during 1928
- Department of Indigenous Medicine Northern Provincial Council: Performance Report 2016
- Department of Indigenous Medicine Northern Provincial Council: Performance Report 2017
- Department of Indigenous Medicine Northern Provincial Council: Performance Report 2018
- Depatment of Sports Northern Province Colours Night Excellent Performance 2015
- Dependent Capitalism In Crisis
- Deported Railway Workmen
- Description Dune Espece Particuliere De Pigeon, Nommee Pigeon Canelle De Ceilon
- Description of A New Snake of the Genus Aspidura from Ceylon
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- Description of Ceylon
- Description of the Palmyra Palm of Ceylon
- Descriptions of Marine Gastropoda from Ceylon, & c
- Descriptions of Some New Species of Coleoptera from China and Ceylon
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- Development of Art in Ceylon
- Development of Dry Zone Agriculture
- Development of Village Irrigation Works
- Development of a Food Atlas for Sri Lankan Adults
- Devolution and Development in Sri Lanka
- Dhammapadam: An Anthology of The Sayings of The Buddha
- Diamond Jubilee 1993
- Diamond Jubilee Souvenir 2001
- Diaries in Ceylon 1908 - 1911
- Diary in Ceylon & India
- Diary of Combat (1975-1984)
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- Diary of Working Clergyman in Australia and Tasmania ,Kept During the Years 1850 -1853
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- Dictionary Book: Verbs in Tamil, English & Sinhala - Series 1
- Dictionary English and Tamil
- Dictionary of Biography of the Tamils of Ceylon
- Dictionary of Third World Theologies
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- Die Insel Ceylon Bis in Das Erste Jahrhundert Nach Christi Geburt
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- Die von Ceylon bekennten Arten der Melolonthiden-Gattung Apogonia
- Digest of Resolutions of the Dutch Political Council Colombo 1644-1796
- Dilemma of an Island
- Diplomatic, Consular And Other Representation In The Republic Of Sri Lanka
- Diplomatic, Consular And Other Representation in Ceylon And Ceylon Representation Abroad
- Diplomatic, Consular and other Representation Abroad of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka 2010
- Direction 2007.08
- Directions 2001 (7)
- Directory of Humanitarian Agencies in Sri Lanka 2003
- Directory of Psychosocial Services 2005
- Directory of Social Science Libraries, Information Centres & Data Bases in Sri Lanka 1990
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- Disappearances in Sri Lanka and the Available Legal Remedies
- Discover the ultimate investment destination
- Discovering Ceylon
- Discovery-IV: J/ Mahajana College 2011
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- Diseases Of Village Crops In Ceylon
- Disposal of Property in Criminal Cases
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- District Development Plan 2018-2022
- District Directory 2016-2017
- Diversions of a Diplomat in Ceylon
- Divine Life For Children
- Divisional Sports Meet Pachchilaipalli 2019
- Do You Know?
- Documents of The Ceylon National Congress And Nationalist Politics in Ceylon 1929-1950
- Documents of The Ceylon National Congress And Nationalist Politics in Ceylon 1929-1950 - Vol I
- Documents of The Ceylon National Congress And Nationalist Politics in Ceylon 1929-1950 Vol III
- Documents of The Ceylon National Congress And Nationalist Politics in Ceylon 1929-1950 Vol IV
- Does Sri Lanka Need A Truth And Reconciliation Commission?: A Comment on the Latest Proposal & Ground Realities
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- Dr.Daniel Chapman Vaitilingam Commemoration
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- Dr. Mary Rutnam
- Dr. Ponniah Sivasubramaniam, FRCS
- Dr. R. U. Pillai (நினைவுமலர்)
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- Dxn Product Catalogue