Sri Lanka Year Book 1977
From நூலகம்
Sri Lanka Year Book 1977 | |
| |
Noolaham No. | 14702 |
Issue | 1977 |
Cycle | ஆண்டு மலர் |
Editor | - |
Language | ஆங்கிலம் |
Pages | XV+377 |
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- Sri Lanka Year Book 1977 (எழுத்துணரியாக்கம்)
- Preface - W.A.A.S.Peris
- Contents
- List of Tables
- Charts
- Historical Sketch
- Geographical Features
- General
- Relief of the Land
- Climate and Meteorology
- Climate and Meteorology
- Geology
- Economic Review
- Constitution and Government
- GOvernment of Srilanka
- Elections
- The Administrative System
- Judical System of Sri Lanka
- Diplomatic Service
- Defence
- Official Language Affairs
- Bandaranaike Language Affairs
- Public Administration and Alliod Services
- Population, Vital Statistics and Migration
- THe Growth of Population
- Census of Population 1971
- MMigration
- Registration of Persons
- Department
- Land Development
- Land Development Department
- Land Commissioner's Department
- Land Settlement
- Sri Lanka State Plantations Corporation
- Irrigation
- Mahawelli Development Project
- Registration of Documents Ordiance
- Land Surveys
- Janatha Estates Development Board
- Agriculture and Food
- General
- Tea Cultivation
- Rubber Cultivation
- Coconut Ciltivation
- Rice and Subsidiary Food Crops
- Department of Minor Export Crops
- Agrarian Services
- Food Suply
- Price Coconut Activities
- The Development of Marketing
- Sri Lanka National Freedom From Hunger Campaign Board
- Industry
- Industrial Development Board Of Ceylon
- Private Sector
- State - Sponsered Corporations
- Plantation Industries
- Bureau of Ceylon Standards
- Business Undertaking Vested Under Business Undertaking
- Small Industries
- Scientific Research
- National Science Council
- Ceylon Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research
- Government Analyst's Department
- Mineral Resources
- Economic Minerals
- Gelogical Survey
- Gemming
- Forests, Botanic Gardens and Wild Life Conservation
- Forestry
- Botanic Gardens
- Wild Lifes Conservation
- National Zoological Gardens
- Fisheries
- General
- Extension and Development
- Socio - Economic Activities
- Island Fisheries
- Brackish Water Fisheries and Surveys
- Commercial Activities
- Research Activities
- Ceylon Fisheries Corporation
- Ceylon Fishery Harbours Corporation
- Forign Trade
- General Review
- Department of Commerce
- Tea Export Promotions
- Import and Export Control
- Department of Commodity Purchase
- Registration of Companics
- Coconut Marketing Board
- Sri Lanka State Trading (Consolidate Exports) Corporation
- Sri Lanka State Trading (General)Corporation
- Sri Lanka State Trading (Tractor) Corporation
- Money, Banking and Insurance
- General
- Banking Institutions
- State Sponsored Long - Term Credit Institution
- Saving Institution
- Insurance
- Public Finance and Taxation
- Fisical and Monetary Measures
- The Budget - 1977
- Extenal Resources
- Labour and Development
- Employees' Provident Fund Scheme
- Wages Boards Ordiance
- The Shop and Office Employees
- Other Ordiances and Acts
- Industrial Relatins
- Trade Unions
- Employment
- Industrial Safety, Health and Welfare
- Occupational Hygiene
- Cost of Living and Wages
- Worker's Education
- International Labour Organisation
- National Youth Service Council
- Employment and Manpower Planning
- Education
- The Ministry of Education
- Department of Examinations
- University of Sri Lanka and Council of Legal Education
- Residental University of Buddhist Monks
- Libraries and Documentation Services
- Sri Lanka Acadamey of Administrative Studies
- Muslims, National Archives, Archaelogy, Fine Arts and Cultural Activities
- Museums
- National Archives
- Archacology
- Fine Arts
- Cultural Activities
- Public Health
- General
- Vital Statistics
- Health Planning Programming
- Family Health
- Dental Services
- Nutrition
- Epidemilogy
- Specialised Campaigns
- Environmental Sanitation
- Health Education
- Veterinary Services
- Quarantine Activities
- Forign Aid
- Medical Conferences and Seminars
- Ayurveda
- Social Services Rural Development Co-operative Movement, Town and Country Planning and National Housing
- Social Services
- Rural Development
- Youth Rehabilation
- Co- operative Movement
- Town and Country Planning
- National Housing
- Building Materials Corporation
- Department of Kndyan Peasantry Rehabilation
- Police, Prisons, Probation and Child Care Servises
- Police System and Crime Statics
- Prisons
- Probation and Child Care Servises
- Transport and Communication
- Railways
- Roads and Road Transport
- Shipping
- Civil Aviation
- POstal and Telecommunication Services
- Electricity, Water Supplies and Public Workers
- Electricity
- Water Resources, Supply and Drainage
- Department of Buildings
- State Engineering Corporation of Sri Lanka
- Department of Machinery and Equipment
- National Engineering Research and Development Centre of Sri Lanka
- The Press, Broadcasting, Information, Publicity and Tourism
- Press
- Broadcasting
- Information and Publicity
- Tourism
- State Film Corparation
- Key Economic Indicators for Sri Lanka - 1976