Lanka Guardian 1993.06.15 (16.4)

From நூலகம்
Lanka Guardian 1993.06.15 (16.4)
Noolaham No. 7917
Issue June 15 1993
Cycle மாதம் இருமுறை
Editor -
Language ஆங்கிலம்
Pages 20

To Read


  • News Background: UNP: More Continuity than change - Mervyn de Silva
  • Poem: Water Colour - U.Karunatilake
  • POLLS ANALYSIS: The Role of the Professional Class - Hector Abhayavardhana
  • Ties with India will Improve - pm - Interviewed by V. Jayanth
  • The Administrator as Artiste - Alith Samaranayake
  • THE REGION: Pakistan: Towards a New Political - Mushahid Hussain
  • HUMAN RIGHTS: The Ethnic and Cultural Dimensions - Neelan Tiruchelvam
  • S. W. R.D. Bandaranaike: The Best Man - A. Jeyaratnam Wilson
  • AHE J. R. YEARS - (4): The Nadesan Case - Arden
  • CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Current Options and New Mechanisms - Kumar Rupesinghe