பகுப்பு:முன்னோர் ஆவணகம்/1851-1900/நூல்கள்
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Pages in category "முன்னோர் ஆவணகம்/1851-1900/நூல்கள்"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 453 total.
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- A Brief Account of Ceylon
- A Buddhist Catechism, According to the Canon of the Southern Church
- A Catalogue of The Library of The Ceylon Branch of The Royal Asiatic Society
- A Circiut of the Globe: A Series of Letters of Travel Across The American Continent...
- A Classified list of the Plants, Both Native and Exotic...
- A Collection of Legislative Acts of the Ceylon Government (1854)
- A Collection of Select Decisions of the Supreme Court on Points of Kandyan Law
- A Collection of Treaties, Engagements, and Sunnuds, Relating to India and Neighbouring Countries Volume II
- A Collection of Treaties,Engagements,and Sanads...
- A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Hymenopterous Fauna of Ceylon
- A Descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrit, Pali& Sinhalese Literary Works of Ceylon
- A Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Court Sitting at Colombo
- A First Book of Botany for Sinhalese Students
- A Gazetteer of the Central Province of Ceylon
- A Grammar Of the Sinhalese Language for the Use of European Students
- A Hand Book to the Flora of Ceylon
- A Hand Book to the Flora of Ceylon 1898
- A Handbook for Travellers in India and Ceylon
- A History of Ceylon for Schools
- A History Of The Birds Of Ceylon (1880)
- A Home Maker in Uva
- A Journal of Two Years Travel in Persia, Ceylon Etc
- A Land March from England to Ceylon Forty Years Ago
- A New Edition of The Thesawaleme,or The Laws and Customs on Jaffna
- A Parson's Holiday : Being An Account Of A Tour In India, Burma, And Ceylon, In The Winter Of 1882-83
- A Personal Narrative of Residence as A Missionary in Ceylon
- A Practical Guide Climates and Weather of India and Ceylon and Burmah
- A Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms Being an Account By The Chinese...
- A Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms Being An Account By The Chinese... (1886)
- A Report to the Ceylon Cofee Planters' Association
- A Revised Edition of The Ordinances of The Government of Ceylon
- A Revised Edition of The Ordinances of The Government of Ceylon (1894)
- A Romance of Ceylon
- A Systematic Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Ferns Indigenous to or Growing Wild in Ceylon
- A Tour around the World in 1884
- A Tour in South Africa : With notices of Natal, Mauritius, Madagascar, Ceylon, Egypt, and Palestine
- A Treatise on The Nature and Cultivation of Coffee..
- A Trip To Tissa Ceylon
- A Two Months' Cruise in the Mediterranean in the Steam-Yacht 'Ceylon'
- A Voyage in the Sunbeam
- A Winter Tour in India and Ceylon
- About Ceylon and Borneo
- Abridged Dictionary of the English Language
- Account of Mr. Pybus's Mission to The King of Kandy
- Adventures of Two Youths in a Journey to Ceylon and India
- All About Aloe and Ramie Fibres: Dye and Tanning Stuffs Drugs, & c
- All About Rubber and Gutta Percha:The Indiarubber Planter's Manual
- An Address on The Aspects of Mission Work in Jaffna
- An Appeal To The People of Ceylon
- An Autobiography of the Right Honourable Sir William Gregory
- An Elementary Geography of India, Burma and Ceylon
- An Oriental Crown Colony Ripe For Representative Government
- Analytical Index to the Ordinances of Ceylon Printed in the Edition of 1900
- Ancient inscriptions in Ceylon
- Appendix to the Third Report from the Select Committee on Ceylon
- Arachniden von Ceylon und von Minikoy Gesammelt von den Herren Doctoren P. und F. Sarasin
- Armour's Grammar of the Kandyan Law
- Articulos De Fe Liturgia
- Aryan Village in India and Ceylon
- Australia: With Notes by the Way, On Egypt, Ceylon, Bombay, and the Holy Land
- Autobiography of a Periya Durai
- Baptist Church colombo
- Brazil as a Coffee Growing Country...
- Brief Sketch of the Church Missionary Society's Mission in Jaffna
- Buddha and His Doctrines
- Buddhism Primitive and Present in Magadha and in Ceylon
- Buddhist Birth Stories or Jataka Tales : The Oldest Collection of Folk Lore Extant being the Jatakatthavannana
- By Sea and by Land: Being a Trip Through Egypt, India, Ceylon, Australia, New Zealand, and America, All Round the World
- Cacao Planting in Ceylon
- Catalogue of the Described Hemiptera Heteroptera and Homoptera of Ceylon, Based on the Collection
- Ceilon: Reis Naar Het Land Der Bayaderen
- Census of Ceylon 1891
- Ceylon A Descriptive Poem, With Notes
- Ceylon A General Description of The Island, Historical, Physical, Statistical (Vol I)
- Ceylon A General Description of The Island, Historical, Physical, Statistical (Vol II)
- Ceylon Almanac
- Ceylon Almanac and Annual Register
- Ceylon an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, And Topographical with Notices of its Natural...
- Ceylon En Java: Aanteekeningen Van Een Theeplanter
- Ceylon Et Les Indes
- Ceylon Ferns: and Their Allies with Familiar Notes on Each Species
- Ceylon in 1883
- Ceylon in 1884ː The Leading Crown Colony...
- Ceylon in 1893
- Ceylon in The Jubilee Year
- Ceylon Report: Judgments Of The Supreme Court Between 1859& 1870
- Ceylon Tagebuchblatter und Reiseerinnerungen
- Ceylon, and The Government of Lord Torrington...
- Ceylon: An Account of The Island Physical, Historical And Topographical (Volume ll)
- Ceylon: Indische Volksbelangen
- Ceylon: Ordinances Enacted During the Session of 1866-67
- Ceylon: Ordinances Enacted During the Session of 1871
- Ceylon: Ordinances Enacted During the Session of 1872-73
- Ceylon: Past and Present
- Ceylon: Return to an Address of the Honourable...
- Coffee Culture in Ceylon
- Coffee Planting in Southern India And Ceylon
- Coffeeː Physiology,History and Cultivation
- Collection of Legislative Acts of the Ceylon Government
- Das Christenthum in Ceylon
- Days of God's Right Hand : Our Mission Tour in Australasia and Ceylon
- Days of Old: or The Commencement of The Coffee Enterprise in Ceylon
- De Opkomst Van Het Nederlandsch Gezag over Ceilon
- Diary in Ceylon & India
- Dictionary English and Tamil
- Die Insel Ceylon Bis in Das Erste Jahrhundert Nach Christi Geburt
- Die Weddas Von Ceylon
- Dr. G. E. Burkhardt's Kleine Missions Bibliothek
- Early Typography
- Eight Years In Ceylon (1874)
- Eight Years In Ceylon (1890)
- Eight Years Wanderings in Ceyon
- Eight Years Wanderings in Ceyon (1874)
- Elements Mental Science
- English Vegetables & Flowers in India & Ceylon
- Enumeratio Plantarum Zeylanie : An Enumeration of Ceylon...
- Enumeratio Plantarum Zeylaniæ : An Enumeration of Ceylon Plants
- Ergebnisse Naturwissenschaftlicher Forschungen Auf Ceylon
- Fickle Fortune in Ceylon
- Fifty Years in Ceylon (1891)
- First Report From The Select Committee on Ceylon
- Footprints: Old and New or A Nuns Mission
- Forest Life In Ceylon Vol.2
- Forest Life In Ceylon Vol.I
- Form The Ceylon Friend - February 1876- Vol.vii Second Second Series No 73
- Forty Years of Official and Unofficial Life in an Oriental Crown Colony
- From Adam's Peak to Elephanta: Sketches in Ceylon and India
- From Coffee to Tea Cultivation in Ceylon, 1880-1900: An Economic and Social History
- Generalkatalog 1900 1-3
- Genesis And Exodus, XX
- Geographical Pathology: An Inquiry into the Geographical Distribution of...
- Gleanings from Ancient Tamil Literature
- Gold, Gems, And Pearls in Ceylon And Southern India
- Golden Tips: A Description of Ceylon and its Great Tea Industry
- Golden Tips: A Description of Ceylon and its Great Tea Industry (1900)
- Hand Book of Ceylon Missions
- Hand Guide to the Royal Botanic Gardens, Peradeniya
- Hand Guide to the Royal Botanic Gardens, Peradeniya (1894)
- Handbook to the Ferns of British India Ceylon and the Malay Peninsula
- Handworterbuch der Pharmakognosie Pflanzenreichs
- Hindu Music From Various Authors
- Hindu Pastors - A Memorial
- Historical Sketch of The Ceylon Mission
- Hitopadesa, or Salutary Counsels of Vishnu - Sarma, in a Series of Connected Fables...
- Icones Plantarum Indiae Orientalis: or Plates and Descriptions of New and Rare Plants from Southern India and Ceylon
- Index to The Journals and Proceedings of the Ceylon Branch...
- India and Ceylon
- India Ceylon Straits Settlements British North..
- India, Burma and Ceylon : Information for Travellers and Residents, With Four Maps
- India, Ceylon, Straits Settlements, British North Borneo, Hong- Kong
- Indische Reisebriefe
- Institutes of The Laws of Ceylon
- Inventaris van's lands archief te Batavia (1602 - 1816)
- Irrigated India: An Australian View of India and Ceylon, Their Irrigation and Agriclture
- Land and Fresh Water Mollusca of India, Including South Arabia, Baluchistan, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Nepal...
- Lanka and Its People: or Ceylon, Past and Present
- Lapidarium Zeylanicum being A Collection of Monumental Inscriptions of the Dutch Churches and Churchyards of Ceylon
- Law Reform in Ceylon: History,Progress and Tendency
- Le Bouddha et sa Religion
- Legends of Ceylon
- Legislative Enactments Of Ceylon1656-1879
- Letchimey: A Tale of Old Ceylon
- Letters from India and Ceylon
- Letters to A Young Man and Other Papers
- Letters To A Young Man, and Other Papers
- Letters Written During a Trip to Southern India & Ceylon in The Winter of 1876-1877
- Liberian Coffee in Ceylon : The History of the Intro...
- Lost in Ceylon
- Madras Government Museum Coins Catalogue No.2 Roman Indo-Portuguese, and Ceylon
- Mannar a Monograph
- Manual of the Nuwara Eliya District of the Central...
- Manual of The Province of Uva
- Master and Servant Ordinance
- Memoir on The History of The Tooth- Relic of Ceylon
- Memoirs and Services of the Eighty-Third Regiment, from 1793 to 1863
- Mikroskopische Susswasserthiere Aus Ceylon
- Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Ceylon Mission
- Missionary Tours in India and Ceylon
- Missions Bilder: Neue Serie Asien Ceylon und Hinterindien
- Mountain Life and Coffee Cultivation in Ceylon
- My First Voyage to Southern Seas
- My Journey Round the World
- Myths Of The Hindus and Buddhists 1879
- Observations of The Enemies of The Coffee Tree in Ceylon
- Official Catalogue & Guide of The India And Ceylon Exhibition, Earl's Court, London, S.W.
- Official Handbook & Catalogue of the Ceylon Courts (1886)
- Official Handbook & Catalogue of the Ceylon Courts (1893)
- Old Ceylon Sketches of Ceylon Life in the Olden Time
- On Acute Ophthalmia : As it Occurred in the Left Wing of H.M.'s 37th Regiment During 1851-52, Whilst Stationed at Colombo, in Ceylon
- On the Ancient Coins and Measures of Ceylon