நூலகம் இல் இருந்து
"அரசியல்" பகுப்பிலுள்ள பக்கங்கள்
இந்தப்பகுப்பின் கீழ் உள்ள 802 பக்கங்களில் பின்வரும் 200 பக்கங்களும் உள்ளன.
(முந்தைய பக்கம்) (அடுத்த பக்கம்)1
- 100ஆவது ஜனன தின நினைவு ஸ்ரீமாவோ பண்டாரநாயக்க
- 13வது அரசில் யாப்பு சம்பந்தமான யதார்த்தமும் சில உண்மைகளும்
- 19 ஊடாக வலுவூட்டப்படுகின்ற பிரசை
- 1905 Our Revolution
- 1956 And After: Background To Parties & Politic In Ceylon Today
- 1976 - 1980 சோ. சோ. கு. ஒ. தேசியப் பொருளாதார வளர்ச்சிக்கான வழிகாட்டிகள்
- 1983ஜூலை வன்செயல்கள்
- 1990 ஏப்பிரல் 04 ஆம் தேதி ஜனாதிபதி அவர்கள் பாராளுமன்றத்தில் ஆற்றிய உரை
- 1993ம் ஆண்டின் 03ம் இலக்கச் சட்டம் 1993
- 1993ம் ஆண்டின் 05ம் இலக்கச் சட்டம் 1993
- A brief Profile of the Trincomalee High Security Zone and other land Issues in Trincomalee District
- A Collection of Treaties, Engagements, and Sunnuds, Relating to India and Neighbouring Countries Volume II
- A Collection of Treaties,Engagements,and Sanads...
- A Hundred Years of Local Government in Ceylon
- A Postcolonial Commentary on the New Testament Writings
- A Short History of The lanka Sama Samaja Party
- A Sketch of the Constitution of The Kandyan Kingdom
- A Tamil Eelam Voice in the U.N.O.
- A Tentative Draft of The Constitution of the All- Ceylon Tamil Congress
- An Account of the Captibity of Capt. Robert Knox, and Other Englishmen, in the Island of Ceylon
- An Appeal To The British Government, In Behalf of The British...
- Analysis on 2004 General Election and 2006 Local Government Election
- Appendix to the Third Report from the Select Committee on Ceylon
- Asian and Afro - Caribbean Struggles in Britain
- At The Second Saarc Summit At Bangalore
- Case for Constitutional reform in Ceylon
- CBK: President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga and Her Leadership of Sri Lanka
- Ceylon Daily News 1918-1943
- Ceylon Daily News: Eighth Parliament of Sri Lanka
- Ceylon Daily News: Seventh Parliament of Ceylon 1970
- Ceylon Daily News: The State Council Of Ceylon 1936
- Ceylon General Election 1956
- Ceylon Today: A Government By The People
- Ceylon Workers Congress: Twenty Fourth Sessions
- Ceylon: Ordinances Enacted During the Session of 1866-67
- Ceylon: Return to an Address of the Honourable...
- Ceylon: The JVP Uprising of April 1971
- Ceylons Path To Freedom
- Ceylons Place In Asian Culture
- Challenge For Change: Profile of A Community
- Charge Us or Release Us
- Chronology of Political Violence in Sri Lanka During Election Times
- Collective Agreements In Sri Lanka
- Collective Identities Nationalisms and Protest in Modern Sri Lanka
- Communalism and the Historical Legacy: Some Facets
- Communications Planning for Civil Society and Community - Based Organisations
- Conference Of Heads Of State/ Government Of Non-Aligned Countries In Colombo 1976
- Conflict, Negotiation, Mediation and Peace
- Constitution of Sri Lanka 1972
- Constitution Of The All Ceylon Tamil Congress
- Constitutional Government and Human Rights in a Developing Society
- Constitutional Government in Sri Lanka
- Constitutional Reform and Crisis in Sri Lanka
- Cordiality Between India and Sri Lanka Strengthened
- Counterspeech in Sri Lanka
- Decolonizing Ceylon
- Developing Democracies, Counter-Terror Laws and Security: Lessons From India and Sri Lanka
- Digest of Resolutions of the Dutch Political Council Colombo 1644-1796
- Documents of The Ceylon National Congress And Nationalist Politics in Ceylon 1929-1950
- Documents of The Ceylon National Congress And Nationalist Politics in Ceylon 1929-1950 - Vol I
- Documents of The Ceylon National Congress And Nationalist Politics in Ceylon 1929-1950 Vol III
- Documents of The Ceylon National Congress And Nationalist Politics in Ceylon 1929-1950 Vol IV
- Does Sri Lanka Need A Truth And Reconciliation Commission?: A Comment on the Latest Proposal & Ground Realities
- Domestic Politics and Diplomacy: A Study of Linkage Politics in Indo - Sri Lanka Relations
- Dressing the Colonised Body: Politics, Clothing and Identity in Colonial Sri Lanka
- Ealam Tamoul
- Electoral Politics in An Emergent State: The Ceylon General Election of May 1970
- Enemies of Pluralism
- Engaging Male Parliamentarians to Champion Gender Equality
- Essential Information on Provincial Councils and Local Government 2008
- Ethnic and Class Conflicts in Sri Lanka
- Ethnic Politics in Colonial Sri Lanka
- Ethnic Violence in Galle
- Ethnicity Versus Nationalism: The Devolution Discourse in Sri Lanka
- Excluding Women :The Struggle for Women's Political Participation in Sri Lanka
- Exploring Postcolonial Biblical Criticism
- Eylom: Beginnings of Freedom Struggle
- Facts Which Constitute An Indictment On The Government of Sri Lanka
- Final Report on Election-Related Violence - General Election 2000
- Final Report on Election-Related Violence - General Election 2001
- Final Report on Election-Related Violence - General Election 2002
- Final Report on Election-Related Violence - General Election 2004
- First Nation Congress of the Sri lanka Communistparty
- First Step
- For the Sake of a Just and Lasting Peace 2003
- Freedom Responsibility & Discipline
- From Religious Harmony To National Harmony
- Ideology and the Constitution
- In Pursuit of a Mythical State of Tamil Eelam
- Independent Ceylon
- India 'We Tamils' and Sri Lanka
- India - Sri Lanka: Relations and Sri Lanka' s Ethnic Conflict Documents 1947-2000 (Volume I)
- India And Sri Lanka - China Relations (1948-84)
- Indictment Against Sri Lanka
- Indo - Ceylon Relations Since Independence
- Indo Lanka Ethnic Affinities - 3
- Informal Dispute Resolution in The north East and Puttalam
- Insearch Of Development: Sarvodaya Effort To Harmonize Tradition With Change
- IPKF in Eelam
- Is The All Ceylon tamil Congress Communal?
- ISIS பயங்கரத்தின் முகம்
- M. H. Mohamed A Life Sketch
- Maheswaran in Parliament: English Version of Selected Speeches
- Manifesto and Constitution of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party
- Mapping Sri Lanka's Political Parties
- Marxist Leninist New Democracy (63)
- Marxist Leninist New Democracy 71
- Media Behavior - Presidential Election 2005
- Members of The Legislative Council During the Session of 1895-96
- Minorities and Constitutional Reforms
- Minority Politics in Sri Lanka
- Muslims of Kalutara District
- Parliament of Ceylon
- Parliament of The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka: Services and Facilities to Members of Parliament 2015
- Parliamentary Government in Ceylon
- Peace Initiatives Towards Reconciliation and Nation Building in Sri Lanka: An International Perspective
- Plight Of Eylom Thamils Under Colvin's Constitution
- Political and Civic Status of Indians in Ceylon
- Political Communication and the Electoral Process
- Political Parties in Sri Lanka Since Independence
- Political Principles and their Practice in Sri Lanka
- Politics in Sri Lanka 1947-1973
- Politics in Sri Lanka 1947-1979
- Post-War Dilemmas of Sri Lanka: Democracy and Reconciliation
- Potential for Peace 2004
- Power - Sharing in Sri Lanka: Constitutional and Political Documents 1926-2008
- Presidential Elections 2005 - Pre election Opinion Poll
- Prime Minsters Visit To Jaffna Programme 1954
- Privatisation, Profitability and the Plantation Worker
- Problems of Democracy, Constitutionalism and Political Violence
- Progress through Democracy
- Random Reflections on Constitutional and Parliamentary Matters
- Recent Politics in Sri Lanka: The Presidential Election and The Referendum of 1982
- Reforming Sri Lankan Presidentialism: Provenance, Problems and Prospects - Volume 1
- Reforming Sri Lankan Presidentialism: Provenance, Problems and Prospects - Volume 2
- Report of the Small - Pox Quarantine Committee Appointed by order of His Excellency the Governor, Colombo, may, 1851
- Report on the Performance of the Non-State Electronic Media During the Parliamentary Elections of October 2000
- Reports Of Important Cases Heard And Determined ...
- Resisting the Rule of Law in Nineteenth - Century Ceylon: Colonialism and the Negotiation of...
- Revised Statistics of Missions in India and Ceylon
- Right and right to Participate: Democracy, Development and Human Rights in Post Colonial Srilanka
- S.J.V. Chelvanayakam A Tribute
- Sefeguards for the Minorites in the 1972 Constitution
- Selections From The Dutch Records of The Government of Sri Lanka
- Seventh Parliament: Directory of Ministers, Deputy Ministers and Other Members of Parliament 2010
- Some Comments on the Constituent Assembly and the Draft Basic Resolutions
- Sri Lanka - An Illegitimate Polity
- Sri Lanka - Nigeria: Diplomatic Relations Footprints
- Sri Lanka and Non-Alignment
- Sri Lanka Background Briefing 1946 - 1986
- Sri Lanka Foreign Policy And Economic Diplomacy Dialogue 2018
- Sri Lanka Freedom Party And the Political Change Of 1956
- Sri Lanka Freedom Party: A Political Profile
- Sri Lanka Tears And Dreams Of A Fragile Democracy
- Sri Lanka The Ethnic Conflict
- Sri Lanka The War Fuelled By Peace
- Sri Lanka Udana