பகுப்பு:நூலகத் திட்ட மின்னூல்கள்
நூலகம் இல் இருந்து
"நூலகத் திட்ட மின்னூல்கள்" பகுப்பிலுள்ள பக்கங்கள்
இந்தப்பகுப்பின் கீழ் உள்ள 1,23,150 பக்கங்களில் பின்வரும் 200 பக்கங்களும் உள்ளன.
(முந்தைய பக்கம்) (அடுத்த பக்கம்)A
- A Hundred Years of Local Government in Ceylon
- A Journal of Two Years Travel in Persia, Ceylon Etc
- A Journey Back to the Authentic Apostolic Church
- A Journey of Faith and Learning (An Autoblography)
- A Junior Geography of India, Burma And Ceylon
- A Land March from England to Ceylon Forty Years Ago
- A Leader of Destiny: The Life and Times of S.J.V. Chelvanayakam
- A Legal Dictionary For Ceylon
- A Letter from Lieutenant Colonel William Macbean George Colebrooke
- A Letter From The Bishop of Colombo to The Members of The Ceylon Missionary Association
- A Letter to the Inhabitants of Ceylon on the Advantages of Voccination
- A Letter to the Members of the Ceylon Association
- A Level Accounting: Seminar
- A Life of the Rev. Sevak S. S. Selvaratnam
- A Life Sketch Of Canon S. S.Somasundaram
- A Life-Sketch Of Mr.S.Tambimuttupillai
- A Macroeconometric Model for Sri Lanka
- A Manual Dictionary of The Tamil Language
- A Manual of Buddhism
- A Manual on Civil and Political Rights
- A Marxist Looks At The History of Ceylon
- A Marxist Looks At The History Of Ceylon (1974)
- A Melody on the Breeze
- A Memoir of Mrs.Harriet Wadsworth Winslow...
- A Murder in Ceylon
- A Nallur Clan and Connections
- A Narrative of the Establishment and Progress of the Mission to Ceylon and India
- A National Study on The Marketing Distribution and Use of Agro - Pesticides in Sri Lanka
- A Naturalist' s Guide to the Birds of Sri Lanka
- A New Approach To The Vedas
- A New Beginning: War Widows and their Children
- A New Edition of The Thesawaleme,or The Laws and Customs on Jaffna
- A New Geography of India, Burma & Ceylon
- A New Path
- A New Road is Needed
- A Parson's Holiday : Being An Account Of A Tour In India, Burma, And Ceylon, In The Winter Of 1882-83
- A Personal Narrative of Residence as A Missionary in Ceylon
- A Picture of Pleasure
- A Plan for Peace in Eelam
- A Plan of Action For The Children of Sri Lanka
- A Policy Brief: Devolution in The Northern Province 2013.09 - 2015.02
- A Portrait of a Young Artist
- A Postcolonial Commentary on the New Testament Writings
- A Practical Guide Climates and Weather of India and Ceylon and Burmah
- A Practical Guide To Labour Law
- A Primer of Evolution
- A Profile
- A Psycological Study of Blue Collor Female Workers
- A Quantum Leap: Annual Report 2011
- A Quest Through Poems Literary Criticism
- A Rapid Revision Course in Chemistry
- A Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms Being an Account By The Chinese...
- A Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms Being An Account By The Chinese... (1886)
- A Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms: Being an Account By the Chinese...
- A Regional Geography of Ceylon
- A Report on Ceylon Affairs
- A Report on Small- Pox, as it Appeared in Ceylon in 1833-34: with An Appendix
- A Report to the Ceylon Cofee Planters' Association
- A Return to Kandy
- A Review of Alternative Strategies for Improving Farmer-Managed Irrigation Systems in Sri Lanka
- A Revised Edition of The Legislative Enactments Of Ceylon 1910-1923 (Volume lll)
- A Revised Edition of The Ordinances of The Government of Ceylon
- A Revised Edition of The Ordinances of The Government of Ceylon (1894)
- A Revised Handbook to the Flora of Ceylon - Volume I
- A Revised Handbook to the Flora of Ceylon - Volume II
- A Romance of Ceylon
- A Sanskrit Tradition of the Sri Lankan Tamils - A Historical Perspective
- A Scheme for The Reorganisation of The Department of Health Services
- A Select Bibiliography of Dr. James Thevathasan Rutnam
- A Select Bibliography on the Writings of the Academic Staff Faculty of Medicine
- A Selection from the most Remarkable and Interesting...
- A Selection of English Poems
- A Separate Home
- A Sermon Delivered at the Old South Church, Boston, June 7, 1819
- A Service of Praise & Thanksgiving
- A Seventeenth Century Tamil Document
- A Sheaf of Tributes to Our Distinguished Past Principal S. Handy Perinbanyagam 1999
- A Short Economic Survey of Ceylon
- A Short History of a Steam Locomotive
- A Short History of Ceylon
- A Short History of Ceylon (1947)
- A Short History of Hinduism in Ceylon
- A Short History of Kataragama And Theivanaiamman Thevasthanam
- A Short History of Singai Empire
- A Short History of The lanka Sama Samaja Party
- A Simple Plan for Sri Lanka
- A Sinhalese and a Tamil
- A Sketch of the Constitution of The Kandyan Kingdom
- A sketch of the Rise and Progress of the Catholic Church in Ceylon
- A Solution for the Ethnic Problem of Sri Lanka
- A Sopa Miscellany
- A Sovereign Will To Self-Destruct
- A Still Unfinished War: Sri Lanka's Survivors of Torture and Sexual Violence 2009-2015
- A Struggle for Justice
- A Students' Book of English Poetry
- A Study Gulde to Martin Wickramasighes Madol Doova
- A Study of the Correspondance of Gustave Flaubert as a Theoretical, Thematic,Textual and Biographical...
- A Study of the Economic History of Pre-Modern Sri Lanka
- A Study of the Language of the Tamil Inscriptions of the 7th and the 8th Centuries A.D
- A Study of The Use of Indigenous Art
- A Subject Index to the Industrial Court Awards
- A Successful Drip Irrigation System To Meet The Needs Of Small Farmers For Banana Cultivation
- A Successful Year in Review 2017
- A Survey of Sinhala Literature
- A Symposium
- A System Under Siege An Inquiry Into the Judicial System of Sri Lanka
- A Systematic Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Ferns Indigenous to or Growing Wild in Ceylon
- A Tamil Asylum Diaspora: Sri Lankan Migration Settlement and Politics in Switzerland
- A Tamil Eelam Voice in the U.N.O.
- A Tamil Heroine Unmourned & The Sociology of obfuscation
- A Tentative Draft of The Constitution of the All- Ceylon Tamil Congress
- A Text Book of Classical English Grammar
- A Text Book of the Law of Evidence in Ceylon
- A Textbook Of Practical Book - Keeping
- A Theory of Multiple Exchange Rates and Exchange Rate Management in Sri Lanka
- A Thesis
- A Thousand Miles to Go...
- A Thousand Moons: Perampalam Saravanamuthu's Story
- A to Z Colombo Atlas and Street Index
- A Tour around the World in 1884
- A Tour in South Africa : With notices of Natal, Mauritius, Madagascar, Ceylon, Egypt, and Palestine
- A Treatise on The Nature and Cultivation of Coffee..
- A Trip To Tissa Ceylon
- A True and Exact Description of the Great Island of Ceylon
- A True and Exact Description of the Most Celebrated: East-India Coasts of Malabar and Coromandel as also of the Isle of Ceylon
- A True Community Man 2016
- A Two Months' Cruise in the Mediterranean in the Steam-Yacht 'Ceylon'
- A Unique Ambassador of தமிழ்
- A View of the Agricultural, Commercial and Financial Interests of Ceylon
- A view of the Agriculture, Commercial and Financial Interests of Ceylon
- A view of the Agriculture, Commercial and Financial Interests of Ceylon 1817
- A Visit to Ceylon
- A Visit to Ceylon 1882
- A Voyage in the indian Ocean and to Bengal 1
- A Voyage in the Sunbeam
- A Winter Tour in India and Ceylon
- A. M. A. Azeez: Early Life and Tributes
- A. M. A. Azeez: Milestones to Remember
- A.E.Tamber: A Memorial Volume 1972
- A.Nasbullah Poems
- A/ L Union Annual Get Together: Vivekananda College 1998
- A/L Chemistry: General & Inorganic Chemistry
- A/L English New Syllabus Notes On Anton Chekov's The Cherry Orchard
- A/L Physics: Practical Handbook
- A/L Physics: Quick Study Quide
- Abhidhamma Studies
- Abhijnanamala: Vinayakamoorthy Sivasamy 1995
- About another matter
- About Ceylon and Borneo
- Abridged Dictionary of the English Language
- Abstracts: Proceedings of Jaffna Science Association 2004
- Abuse of Women: A Psychological Perspective
- Account of A Flag Representing the Introduction of the Caste of Chalias or Cinnamon-Peelers, into Ceylon
- Account of Mr. Pybus's Mission to The King of Kandy
- Accounting: A/L
- Achchaani 2000
- Actions For Malicious Abuse of Judicial Proceedings in the Law of South Africa and Ceylon
- Adam's Peak
- Address Delivered
- Address Of Welcome
- Addressing the Other
- Administration of Justice in Ceylon
- Administration of Justice Law, No.44 of 1973 of The National State Assembly
- Administration Report 2001
- Administration Report of the Archaeological Commissioner for 1958
- Administration Report of the Archaeological Commissioner for 1959
- Administration Report of the Archaeological Commissioner for 1960
- Administration Report of the Archaeological Commissioner for the Financial Year 1960-1961
- Administration Report of the Archaeological Commissioner for the Financial Year 1961-1962
- Administration Report of the Archaeological Commissioner for the Financial Year 1962-1963
- Administration Report of the Archaeological Commissioner for the Financial Year 1963-1964
- Administration Report of the Archaeological Commissioner for the Financial Year 1964-1965
- Administration Report of the Archaeological Commissioner for the Financial Year 1965-1966
- Administration Report of the Archaeological Commissioner for the Financial Year 1966-1967
- Administration Report of the Chairman of the Municipal Council of Colombo...
- Administration Report of the Municipal Council of Colombo (1895)
- Administration Report of the Municipal Council of Colombo (1896)
- Administrative Report 2015
- Advaita Vedanta
- Advance level Thermal Physics
- Advanced Certificate in Pre - School Education Programme 2015-2016
- Advanced Level day: Zahira College,Kalmunai 2011
- Adventures of Railwaymen 1940 to 2005
- Adventures of Two Youths in a Journey to Ceylon and India
- Advocacy Report on Understanding Interconnections between Human Rights and Economic Crimes in Sri Lanka
- Aenwysinge Om Tallen Tijden des Jaers, van Cabo de Bonne Efperance, de kuften van India Malabax, Cabo Comorijn, Madure, t' Eylandt Ceylon te Beseylen
- After Death...?
- After the Waves: The Impact of the Tsunami on Women in Sri Lanka
- Ageing Population in Sri Lanka: Issues and Future Prospects
- AGM & Dinner Dance: Hartley College Past Pupil's Association 2016
- Agonies & Aspirations
- Agony and Ecstasy
- Agony of Being Humane
- Agrarian Change in Sri Lanka
- Agricultural Credit in a Developing Economy - Ceylon
- Agriculture Guide 1972
- Agriculture in the Colombo Plan Region
- Agriculture in the Northern Province: Its Heritage, Potential and Prospects
- Agstat 2016 (XIII)
- Ahavoli: Convocation of Counselling Psychology 2014