"The Ceylon Blue Book 1900" பக்கத்தின் திருத்தங்களுக்கிடையேயான வேறுபாடு

நூலகம் இல் இருந்து
தாவிச் செல்ல:வழிசெலுத்தல், தேடுக
வரிசை 11: வரிசை 11:
<!--pdf_link-->* [http://noolaham.net/project/851/85038/85038.pdf The Ceylon Blue Book 1900] {{P}}<!--pdf_link-->
<!--pdf_link-->* [http://noolaham.net/project/851/85038/85038.pdf The Ceylon Blue Book 1900] {{P}}<!--pdf_link-->
=={{Multi| உள்ளடக்கம்|Contents}}==
*Statistical view of the progress of Ceylon from 1823 to 1900, Inclusive
*State of Ceylon
**Abstract of the principal statistical results for 1899 and 1900
***1, Total area, 2, population ; 3, forces ; 4, births
***5, Marriages ; 6, deaths ; 7, education ; 8, paupers ; 9, public debt
***10, Public revenue ; 11, public expenditure
***12, Foreign commerce ;  13, navigation ; 14mines
***15, agricultural statistics ; 16, manufacture ; 17, lengths of board
**Schedule of taxes, duties, and other source of revenue
**Schedule of fees received by public officers
**Revenue and expenditure returns
***Detailed statement of revenue
***Detailed statement of expenditure
***Comparative statement of revenue
***Comparative statement of expenditure
***Statement of assets and liabilities
***Comparative statement of estimated and actual revenue
***Comparative statement of estimated and actual expenditure
***Abstract of revenue on personal accounts
***Abstract of expenditure on personal accounts
***Statement of the cash balance available for appropriation
***Statement of loans made by the colony
***Revenue and expenditure statements for the past five years   
**Municipalities and other local bodies
**Public debt
**Military expenditure
**Public works expenditure
**Legislation :- Laws, proclamations, &c
**Political franchise
**Council and assemblies
**Civil establishment
***List of officers
***Establishments details
***Pensions payable out of the revenues of the colony
***Recapitulation of the establishment
**Officers who have given securite for the due discharge of their duties
**Foreign consuls
**Meteorological observations
**Immigrants and emigrants
**Eceleslastical returns
**Publication, including newspapers, reviews, &c
**Currency returns imports
**Currency returns exports
**Currency returns shipping
**Agriculture, cultivated and uncultivated lands, wages, &c
**Manufacture, mines, and fisheries
**Grants of land
**Prisons and prisoners
**Criminal statistics
**Hospital returns
**Charitable and literary institutions
**saving banks and friendly societies
**Government houses
**Post and telegraph statistics
**Railways, Roads and canals
[[பகுப்பு:1900]][[பகுப்பு:The Ceylon Blue Book]]
[[பகுப்பு:1900]][[பகுப்பு:The Ceylon Blue Book]]

07:12, 5 அக்டோபர் 2021 இல் கடைசித் திருத்தம்

The Ceylon Blue Book 1900
நூலக எண் 85038
வெளியீடு 1900
சுழற்சி ஆண்டிதழ்
இதழாசிரியர் -
மொழி ஆங்கிலம்
பக்கங்கள் 781



  • Statistical view of the progress of Ceylon from 1823 to 1900, Inclusive
  • State of Ceylon
    • Abstract of the principal statistical results for 1899 and 1900
      • 1, Total area, 2, population ; 3, forces ; 4, births
      • 5, Marriages ; 6, deaths ; 7, education ; 8, paupers ; 9, public debt
      • 10, Public revenue ; 11, public expenditure
      • 12, Foreign commerce ; 13, navigation ; 14mines
      • 15, agricultural statistics ; 16, manufacture ; 17, lengths of board
    • Schedule of taxes, duties, and other source of revenue
    • Schedule of fees received by public officers
    • Revenue and expenditure returns
      • Detailed statement of revenue
      • Detailed statement of expenditure
      • Comparative statement of revenue
      • Comparative statement of expenditure
      • Statement of assets and liabilities
      • Comparative statement of estimated and actual revenue
      • Comparative statement of estimated and actual expenditure
      • Abstract of revenue on personal accounts
      • Abstract of expenditure on personal accounts
      • Statement of the cash balance available for appropriation
      • Statement of loans made by the colony
      • Revenue and expenditure statements for the past five years
    • Municipalities and other local bodies
    • Public debt
    • Military expenditure
    • Public works expenditure
    • Legislation :- Laws, proclamations, &c
    • Political franchise
    • Council and assemblies
    • Civil establishment
      • List of officers
      • Establishments details
      • Pensions payable out of the revenues of the colony
      • Recapitulation of the establishment
    • Officers who have given securite for the due discharge of their duties
    • Foreign consuls
    • Meteorological observations
    • Populations
    • Immigrants and emigrants
    • Eceleslastical returns
    • Education
    • Publication, including newspapers, reviews, &c
    • Currency returns imports
    • Currency returns exports
    • Currency returns shipping
    • Agriculture, cultivated and uncultivated lands, wages, &c
    • Manufacture, mines, and fisheries
    • Grants of land
    • Prisons and prisoners
    • Criminal statistics
    • Hospital returns
    • Charitable and literary institutions
    • saving banks and friendly societies
    • Government houses
    • Post and telegraph statistics
    • Railways, Roads and canals
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