"Poetry London 1944.12 (10)" பக்கத்தின் திருத்தங்களுக்கிடையேயான வேறுபாடு

நூலகம் இல் இருந்து
தாவிச் செல்ல:வழிசெலுத்தல், தேடுக
வரிசை 2: வரிசை 2:
   நூலக எண்=56810|   
   நூலக எண்=56810|   
  சுழற்சி=மாத இதழ்|
   மொழி=ஆங்கிலம் |
   மொழி=ஆங்கிலம் |

00:31, 23 டிசம்பர் 2020 இல் கடைசித் திருத்தம்

Poetry London 1944.12 (10)
நூலக எண் 56810
வெளியீடு 1944.12
இதழாசிரியர் Tambimuttu
மொழி ஆங்கிலம்
பக்கங்கள் 293



  • English Letter Magazine No.12 Edited by B.C. Bloomfield
  • English Little Magazine Reprinted in the Same Series
  • Poetry London Vol 2 No.10- Tenth Letter in Memory of Keith Douglas
  • About This Number
  • Lyre- bird Colin S. Anderson
  • The Voice of the Trumpet Ann Ashwin
  • Starting Point Ann Ashwin
  • Half Holiday Elizabeth Bartlett
  • Mostly About Violet George Bauer
  • The House Remains a Skeleton E.M. Belfield
  • Glencoe A. H. Beveridge
  • The Symbol A.H. Beveridge
  • Definition Alison Boodson
  • Poem Alison Boodson
  • Paradise Lost Alison Boodson
  • Poem Alison Boodson
  • Invitation Alison Boodson
  • Night Alert Alison Boodson
  • Poem Alison Boodson
  • Lalaga Weeping John Bowers
  • The Retreat Antony Brown
  • Guns Heard in the Heat of Summer Antony Brown
  • Poem to Rudolf Antony Brown
  • Where The Night Ends Frank Buchanan
  • The Wild Girl A.J Bull
  • Satiric A.J. Bull
  • Eve A.J. Bull
  • For Patricia A.J. Bull
  • The Moon A.J. Bull
  • Fantasia A.J. Bull
  • The Conqueror A.J. Bull
  • Black Creek Ann Chadwick
  • From Blodeuwedd Brenda Chamberlain
  • The Unicorns Tom Clarkson
  • Lament, for Tony Charles Davey
  • Poem Patric Dickinson
  • Point- Counter- Point Billie Didsbury
  • The Gardener Billie Didsbury
  • Outline Billie Didsbury
  • Written in a Railway Carriage in Wales Jane Drew
  • Three Poems Peter Eden
  • Evening Mary Erulkar
  • Three Poems in Hospital R. Faulds
  • The Waterfall R. Faulds
  • Experience R. Faulds
  • Swift R. Faulds
  • Metaphysical Ode to General Lord Rawlinson in Heaven Iain Fletcher
  • Given with his Picture Iain Fletcher
  • Metaphysical Poem on a Cricket Match Iain Fletcher
  • A Poem of Blue Arches “In the beginning was the word” (From Poems of the Real Presences) Iain Fletcher
  • Autumn Poem Patricia Galwey
  • Evening on the Backs Patricia Galwey
  • Poem Patrick Gardiner
  • Poem Stephen Gardiner
  • Five Sonnets Kenneth Gee
  • The Dance of the Crowns Rupert Gleadow
  • One- Tenth Rupert Gleadow
  • Chronometer Thomas Good
  • The Sanctuary Sonia Graham- Hodgson
  • The Far Country Robert Greacen
  • Profane Dying Michael Hamburger
  • Faces are Bubbles of Ice Roy A. Harding
  • The Malvern Hills Adrienne Hawtrey
  • Love Poem Anita Hepple
  • War Autobiography Michael Hews
  • Dusk Anne Hogarth
  • Poem ESME Hooton
  • At Fourteen ESME Hooton
  • Exorcism Georgina Horley
  • Fair Exchange Georgina Horley
  • You shouldn’t hang- up on Homer Georgina Horley
  • The Antiquary (Facsimile reproduction) Augustus John
  • Song Gabriel Jabra
  • Barn Dance Diana James
  • Spirit of Man Diana James
  • London: 1941 Diana James
  • Salcombe 1939 Peter Johnson
  • Plough - Horses Patrick Kavanagh
  • Water Jean Kenward
  • The Pumpkin Suzanne Knowles
  • Sonnet Desmond Knox- Leet
  • Searchlights Desmond Knox- Leet
  • Poem Sevasty Koutsaftis
  • Mangolds - Christopher Lee
  • In Anglesey - Christopher Lee
  • The Lost - Christopher Lee
  • Casualty List - Maurice Lindsay
  • Transmutation - Maurice Lindsay
  • Shakespeare - Maurice Lindsay
  • The Shropshire Lad - Maurice Lindsay
  • The Sudden Picture - Maurice Lindsay
  • The Quest - Maurice Lindsay
  • Poem - David Luke
  • Now This Youth - James Mackereth
  • River Song - J.E. Malcolm
  • Tree in Winter - R.J. Manning
  • Lines on a London Cemetery - H.P. Markham
  • Pastorale - Roland Mathias
  • Enstone Rock - Ronald Mathias
  • O Lake of Light! - Henry Miller
  • Poem - U.B. Monk
  • Poem - U.B. Monk
  • The Wall of Glass - U.B. Monk
  • Summer, 1940 - U.B. Monk
  • Sin - Geoffrey Moore
  • Twentieth Century Hymn Moyra - Frances Moore
  • The Sun Lover Moyra - Frances Moore
  • To the Island W.T. Nettlefold
  • The Crucifixion - Leslie Norris
  • Wordsworth in the Tropics - Kathleen Nott
  • Song in Autumn - Daniel O’Connor
  • Sonnet - Daniel O’Connor
  • Aubade - Daniel O’Connor
  • Elegy I - Daniel O’Connor
  • Two Poems on a Time Theme - Daniel O’Connor
  • Walk Towards Night - Antoinette Pratt- Barlow
  • London Memory - Antoinette Pratt- Barlow
  • To a Spider - B. Rajan
  • Sonnet to a Mantis B. Rajan
  • I Seek for New Interpreters - T.W. Ramsey
  • Sonnet T.W. Ramsey
  • Sonnet T.W. Ramsey
  • Ne Transeat… - T.W. Ramsey
  • Sonnet T.W. Ramsey
  • A Beauty such as Never Man - T.W. Ramsey
  • To a Friend-for Permanence - Sylvia Read
  • Greenhallows - James Reeves
  • April Blitz - Pauline Rice
  • Self Analysis - Pauline Rice
  • A Song - Michael Riviere
  • Lust in Autumn - Michael Riviere
  • The Three Moons - Michael Riviere
  • Expostulation - Michael Riviere
  • Love Poem - Alan Ross
  • Frontier Express - Alan Ross
  • Poem: On What Points of Light - Alan Ross
  • Bach, Destroyers and the Passion - Alan Ross
  • Public House - Alan Ross
  • Snow - Alan Ross
  • Concert - Ashley Sampson
  • The Lover’s Exile - R. Crombie Saunders
  • Ship of the Mind - Lawrie Scarlett
  • Tempter - Hardiman Scott
  • Poem: The Air is Grey - Stewart Scott
  • Vacation - Stewart Scott
  • Evening - L.J. Seth- Smith
  • The Honour of Heroes - L.J. Seth- Smith
  • Auto-da-Fe - Sheila Shannon
  • Birth - F.H.C. Shrewsbury
  • Four Torchbearers - F.H.C. Shrewsbury
  • The Fliers - Ernst Sigler
  • Warning to Loveliness - George Ivan Smith
  • Desire - George Ivan Smith
  • Seed Cycle - George Ivan Smith
  • Meditation - George Ivan Smith
  • Perfumed Calender - George Ivan Smith
  • A Shooting Incident - Stevie Smith
  • God and Man - Stevie Smith
  • A Humane Materialist at the Burning of a Heretic - Stevie Smith
  • A Jew is Angry with his Friend who does not believe in Circumcision - Stevie Smith
  • Homage a John Cowper Powys - Stevie Smith
  • The Ghost - Stevie Smith
  • Deathbed of a Financier - Stevie Smith
  • Twilight after Rain - Joan Snelling
  • Antimalice - Joan Snelling
  • Interlune - Joan Snelling
  • Within Their Hood of Bone - Joan Snelling
  • The Wheel of Mind - Joan Snelling
  • Right Away - Derek Stanford
  • Reflex - Derek Stanford
  • Schweigsam in der Sonne - Franz B. Steiner
  • Silent in the Sun - Franz B. Steiner
  • Das Weib des Uriah - Franz B. Steiner
  • Uriah’s Wife - Franz B. Steiner
  • Küste im Krieg - Franz B. Steiner
  • Coastline in Wartime - Franz B. Steiner
  • Heimweg - Franz B. Steiner
  • Walking Home - Franz B. Steiner
  • Bald Wird der Nebel Sinken ins Herbstliche Tal - Franz B. Steiner
  • Soon the Mist will Sink into the Autumnal Valley - Franz B. Steiner
  • Paris - W.J. Strachan
  • Strange Spring R.S. Thomas
  • Farm Labourer - R.S. Thomas
  • A Peasant - R.S. Thomas
  • Evensong - R.S. Thomas
  • Memories of Yearts whilst Travelling to Holyhead - R.S. Thomas
  • March Journal - Peter Ure
  • The Talking Tree - Peter Ure
  • Grasmere in May - J. Roderick Webb
  • Two Poems of Dearham, Cumberland - J. Roderick Webb
  • Ennerdale Lake - J. Roderick Webb
  • He Sits on the Hill of the Hawk, above Beddgelert - Jon White
  • Military Honours - J. Alan Thompson
  • A Letter from John Raymond Watkinson
  • To Bernard Fairclough: the War Having Begun Raymond Watkinson
  • Extracts from “Irene” Terence White
  • Lithographs to T.S. Eliot’s Rhapsody on a Windy Night - Gerald Wilde
  • Drawings for The Ancient Mariner Mervyn Peake
  • Cover By Gerald Wilde
  • Tenth Letter - Thurairajah Tambimuttu
  • The Secretary - A.B. Hastings
  • Vladimeer Celia Buckmaster
  • Suddenly in the Silence - Barbara Norman
  • The Ancient Mariner and The Waste Land - Margaret Diggle
  • The Relationship between Literature and Propaganda - Iain Fletcher
  • Refugee Poets in Africa - Lawrence Durrell
  • Recent Verse: London and Cairo - G.S. Fraser
  • A Difficult Poem: The Woman that had more babies than that - Nicholas Moore
  • The Necessity of Myth - Ross Nicholls
  • Art
    • An Open Letter to All and Sundry - Henry Miller
  • Radio
    • Christopher Columbus - Antony Brown
  • Music
    • From an Article on Edgar Varese - Henry Miller
  • Points of View
    • The Poetry of Mnemotechny - Alan Ross
    • Yeats by F.T. Prince
    • Two Lectures - Francis Scarfe
    • Mémoires d’Outre- Tombe - Hermann Peschmann
    • The Quiet Voice - Julian Symons
    • Season and Festival - Charles Williams
    • Twentieth Century - Psalter Norman Nicholson
    • The Middle of a War - Alex Comfort
    • Ode to the Sun - Francis Scarfe
    • Three Poets - Nicholas Moore
    • Aragon - Michael Hamburger
    • Beyond Pure Poetry - Derek Stanford
    • Prose of the Heart - Derek Stanford
    • Dream and Poetry - Angela Petter
  • Correspondence
    • The Pity of it, Iago… - Patrick Gardiner
    • From - Arthur Wormhourt
    • From - John Bowers
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