"பகுப்பு:ஈவ்லின் இரத்தினம் பல்லினப் பண்பாட்டு நிறுவனம்/நூல்கள்" பக்கத்தின் திருத்தங்களுக்கிடையேயான வேறுபாடு
நூலகம் இல் இருந்து
("பகுப்பு:ஈவ்லின் இரத்தி..."-இப்பெயரில் புதிய பக்கம் உருவாக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது) |
(வேறுபாடு ஏதுமில்லை)
02:17, 14 அக்டோபர் 2020 இல் கடைசித் திருத்தம்
"ஈவ்லின் இரத்தினம் பல்லினப் பண்பாட்டு நிறுவனம்/நூல்கள்" பகுப்பிலுள்ள பக்கங்கள்
இந்தப்பகுப்பின் கீழ் உள்ள 588 பக்கங்களில் பின்வரும் 200 பக்கங்களும் உள்ளன.
(முந்தைய பக்கம்) (அடுத்த பக்கம்)1
- A Bibliography of Ceylon Coins and Currency: Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern
- A Bibliography of Ceylon: Volume II
- A Bibliography of Jaffna District 1980-1987
- A Brand From the Burning
- A Brief Sketch of The Life And Services of The Late Don Cornelius Jayatileke, Mudaliyar of the Governor's Gate
- A Brief Sketch of The Life of Charles Ambrose Lorenz
- A Catalogue of Antiquities and Other Cultural Objects From Sri Lanka (Ceylon) Abroad
- A Catechism of Buddhist Doctrine
- A Century of English Education
- A Christain Plea for Reconciliation Peace and Progress
- A Collection of Ceylon Frescoes
- A Commentary on the Ceylon Criminal Procedure Code
- A Dip Into The Past
- A Forgotten Aspect of The Relations Between The Sinhalese and The Tamils
- A Gazetteer of the Central Province of Ceylon
- A Hand Book of Moral Instruction
- A Hand Book of The Supreme Court of Ceylon
- A History of Jaffna College 1923-1980
- A History Of The Birds Of Ceylon
- A History Of The Birds Of Ceylon: Vol. I
- A History Of The Birds Of Ceylon: Vol. III
- A History Of The Birds Of Ceylon: Vol. IV
- A History of The Methodist Church in Ceylon (1814 - 1964)
- A Life of the Rev. Sevak S. S. Selvaratnam
- A Manual of Buddhism
- A Marxist Looks At The History of Ceylon
- A Picture of Pleasure
- A Report on Ceylon Affairs
- A Revised Edition of The Legislative Enactments Of Ceylon 1910-1923 (Volume lll)
- A Revised Edition of The Ordinances of The Government of Ceylon
- A Short History of Ceylon (1947)
- A Sinhalese and a Tamil
- A Survey of Sinhala Literature
- A True and Exact Description of the Great Island of Ceylon
- A view of the Agriculture, Commercial and Financial Interests of Ceylon 1817
- Abhidhamma Studies
- Administration of Justice Law, No.44 of 1973 of The National State Assembly
- Advaita Vedanta
- Agony and Ecstasy
- Agricultural Credit in a Developing Economy - Ceylon
- Among Those Present
- An Appeal To The People of Ceylon
- An Index to Periodical Articles on the Laws of Ceylon
- An Introduction to Civics and Government
- An Introduction to the Geology of Ceylon
- An Oriental Crown Colony Ripe For Representative Government
- An Outline of World History
- An Unpublished French Book On Ceylon Dated 1801
- Anagarika Dharmapala
- Ananda Coomaraswamy: Remembering and Remembering Again and Again
- Anatta
- Ancient Land Tenure to Modern Land Reform in Sri Lanka
- Annals of the Ceylon Civil Service
- Approaches to Development: The NGO Experience in Sri Lanka
- Archaeological Survey of Ceylon: Inscriptions of Ceylon
- Archaeological Survey of Ceylon: Sigiri Graffiti - Volume I
- Archives The Memory of A Nation
- Armour's Grammar of the Kandyan Law
- Aspects of Buddhism in Indian History
- Aspects of Reality as Taught by Theravada Buddhism
- Aspects of Sinhalese Culture
- Aspects of Sinhalese Culture (1952)
- Baptist Church colombo
- Beyond Rite To Reality
- Bibliography on Land Tenure and Related Problems in Ceylon
- Brahma Vihara or The Sublime States
- British Governors and Colonial Policy in Sri Lanka
- Buddha And The Gospel of Buddhism
- Buddha Jayanti Memorials
- Buddhism and Art
- Buddhism and Christianity
- Buddhism and the Race Question (1974)
- Buddhism as I See It
- Buddhism in a Nutshell
- Buddhism in Asia
- Buddhism in Ceylon
- Buddhism in Ceylon Under The Christian Powers
- Buddhism in South India
- Buddhism Its History and Civilization
- Buddhist Analysis of Matter
- Buddhist Commentarial Literature
- Budumuttava Tamil Inscription No. II
- Bulletin on Vital Statistics 1979
- C F T U and The Working Class Movement
- Cannon Ekanayake of Colombo
- Catalogue of Library
- Catalogue of The Archives of The Dutch Central Government of Coastal Ceylon 1640-1796
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- Ceylon (1964)
- Ceylon Almanac
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- Ceylon Celebritices Lecture
- Ceylon Customs Returns
- Ceylon Daily News 1918-1943
- Ceylon History in Stone
- Ceylon in Our Times 1894-1969
- Ceylon Income Tax Cases: Vol - I
- Ceylon Law Journal 1939-1940: Vol IV
- Ceylon Police Court Law
- Ceylon Representation Abroad and Foreign and Commonwealth Representation in Ceylon
- Ceylon Tamil Inscriptions: Part 1
- Ceylon Tamil Inscriptions: Part 2
- Ceylon Under Western Rule: Part 1 (1500-1796)
- Ceylon' s Uplift
- Ceylon: An Introduction to the 'Resplendent Land'
- Ceylon: Between Orient and Occident
- Ceylon: Dilemmas of a New Nation
- Chapters on The Introduction of Christianity to Ceylon
- Christian Life
- Civil Service Administration in Ceylon
- Classical Sinhalese Sculpture
- Coins of Medieval Sri Lanka: The Coins of The Kings of Jaffna
- Collective Agreements In Sri Lanka
- Collective Identities Nationalisms and Protest in Modern Sri Lanka
- Colloquial Sinhalese
- Colombo Library: Catalogue of Books
- Colonel Olcott: His Service To Buddhism (1981)
- Communalism and Language in the Politics Of Ceylon
- Communalism or Nationalism
- Constantine De Sa's Maps and Plans of Ceylon
- Criticism or Sterile Scepticism
- Cuba and Ceylon
- Cuba and Ceylon (1962)
- Culavamsa - Vol I (1925)
- Cullings From Many Gardens
- Culture of Ceylon in Mediaeval Times
- Currents of Asian History
- Customary Laws of Sri Lanka
- Demographic Study of The City of Colombo
- Dependent Capitalism In Crisis
- Description of Ceylon
- Dhammapadam: An Anthology of The Sayings of The Buddha
- Diary of Occurrenoes During The Tour of Gerrit De Heere, Governor of Ceylon From Colombo To Jaffna
- Discovering Ceylon
- Do You Know?
- Documents of The Ceylon National Congress And Nationalist Politics in Ceylon 1929-1950
- Documents of The Ceylon National Congress And Nationalist Politics in Ceylon 1929-1950 Vol III
- Documents of The Ceylon National Congress And Nationalist Politics in Ceylon 1929-1950 Vol IV
- Dr. James T. Rutnam Memorial Lecture 1
- Early History of Buddhism in Ceylon
- Early History of Education in Ceylon
- East and West and Other Essays
- Education and Human Rights in Sri Lanka
- Education And Human Rights In Srilanka
- Education and the Indian Plantation Worker in Sri Lanka
- Education in Ceylon: Before and After Independence
- Education in Colonial Ceylon
- Educational Policies and Progress: During British Rule in Ceylon (1796 - 1948)
- Educational Psychology
- Emergency Srilanka: International Alert
- Emergency'79
- Europe and the Dravidians (1980)
- Extended Mahavamsa
- Extract From Ferguson's Ceylon Handbook & Directory 1885 - 86
- Facets of Modern Ceylon History Through The Letters of Jeronis Pieris
- Famous Criminal Cases of Sri lanka
- Fifty Years On Censorship, Conflict and Media Reform in Sri Lanka
- Figures of Speech or Figures of Thought (1946)
- Fire Walking - The Burning Facts
- Flowers of Baradise
- For The Sake Of The Grace Given To Me
- Foreign Relations of Sri Lanka
- Forty Years of Socialism
- Franciscans and Sri Lanka
- Francois Valentijn's Description of Ceylon
- From Dependent Currency to Central Banking in Ceylon
- Gate Mudaliyar C. Thiagarajah
- Gautama The Buddha and Karl Marx
- Giraya
- Gleanings from Ancient Tamil Literature
- Glories of Shaivaism
- Glossary of Technical Terms in Philosophy
- Golden Rock Temple of Dambulla
- Government and Politics in ceylon 1931 - 1946
- Green Aisles: A Story of the Jungles of Ceylon
- GroundWork of History
- Growing: An Autobiography of the Years 1904 - 1911
- Havana to Kabul
- Here is Kelaniya Souvenir
- Heydt's Ceylon
- Hierarchy and Equivalence in Jaffna, North Sri Lanka: Normative Codes as Mediator
- Historical Essays
- Historical Manuscripts Commission Ceylon: Bulletin No.1
- Historical Sketches
- History of Ceylon (No 2)
- History of Education in Ceylon
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