"A Tamil Asylum Diaspora: Sri Lankan Migration Settlement and Politics in Switzerland" பக்கத்தின் திருத்தங்களுக்கிடையேயான வேறுபாடு

நூலகம் இல் இருந்து
தாவிச் செல்ல:வழிசெலுத்தல், தேடுக
(பயனரால் செய்யப்பட்ட ஒரு இடைப்பட்ட திருத்தம் காட்டப்படவில்லை.)
வரிசை 2: வரிசை 2:
   நூலக எண்=15237 |
   நூலக எண்=15237 |
   ஆசிரியர்=[[:பகுப்பு:Christopher McDowell|Christopher McDowell]] |
   ஆசிரியர்=[[:பகுப்பு:Christopher McDowell|Christopher McDowell]] |
   வகை=இலங்கை வரலாறு|
   மொழி=ஆங்கிலம் |                                     
   மொழி=ஆங்கிலம் |                                     
   பதிப்பகம்=[[:பகுப்பு:Berghahn Books‎‎|Berghahn Books‎‎‎‎]] |
   பதிப்பகம்=[[:பகுப்பு:Berghahn Books‎‎|Berghahn Books‎‎‎‎]] |
வரிசை 8: வரிசை 8:
   பக்கங்கள்=308 |
   பக்கங்கள்=308 |
=={{Multi|வாசிக்க|To Read}}==
=={{Multi|வாசிக்க|To Read}}==
=={{Multi| உள்ளடக்கம்|Contents}}==
*List of Figures
*List of Maps
*List of Tables
*List of Abbreviations
*part 1 Introduction and Research
**Chapter 1 Introduction Asylum Diaspora
***A Diaspora
***Refugees and Academia
***The Structure of this Study
**Chapter 2 Fildwork and Research Methods
***Entering the Field
***Responsibilities of Fieldwork
***Archivel Research
***The Retrieval of Information
***Interviews and Participant Observation
**Chapter 3 Swiss Public Opinion, Asylum Policy Reform and the Repatriation Agreement
***Economic Recession, Increased Social Assistance and Asylum Policy
***Switzerland, Europe and Foreigners
***Switzerland and Minorities
***The Voluntary Return of Tamil Asylum Seekers
*Part 2  Sri Lanka and Conflict
**Chapter 4  Srilanka -Violence, Nationalism and Migration
***Authoritarianism and Nationalism
***Tamil Politics
***Ethnic Identities and Tamil Militancy
***The 'Jaffnaness' of Rebellion
***Tamil Migration
**Chapter 5  Sri Lanka 1983 to 1991 - Conflict
***From the July 1987 Indo - Srilankan  Agreement to 1991
***The Defeat of the UNP and the January 1995 Cease - fire
*Part 3 Tami Asylum Entry into Switzerland
**Chapter 6 Switzerland's Tamil Asylum Migrant Population
***Gender, Age and Religion
***Marriage and Family
***Demographic Origins and Caste
***Changing Patterns
***Islanders and Indernal Migration
***Employment and Education
***Grounds for Asylum and Group Membership
***The Tamil Asylum Population : a Profile
**Chapter 7 Early - Phase Asylum Migration 1983to 1985
***First Arrivals Prior to the July 1983 Riots
***Migration After the July 1983 Riots
***Migration in 1984 and 1985
***Early Phase Asylum Migration : The Decision to Leave
***The Strategy of Flight
**Chapter 8 Middle - Phase Asylum Migration 1988
***1986 - The Security Situation Calms
***1986 - Grounds for Asylum
***1987 - The Violence Returns
***1987 and 1988 - Operations 'Liberation' and 'Pawan' and Entry into Switzerland
***Consolidative Anticipatory Migration
***Island Migrants
***Interior Peninular Migrants
***Women Asylum Seekers and Marriage
***Entry into Switzerland During 1988
***Women, Conflict and Migration
**Chapter 9 Late Phase Asylum Migration 1989 to 1991
***Tamil Entry and Swiss Policy
***The Security Sisuation from 1989to 1991
***The Movement and Patterns of Asylum  Migration
***Demographic Origins of Tamil Migrants
***The Eact and the Vanni
***Strategies of Miggration
***Cost and Journey
*Part 4 Diaspora Divisions, Formation and Politics
**Chapter 10 Immigrants and Asylum Seekers
***The Question of Caste and Religious Worship
***Pressures to Remit
***Dependency on Social Assistance and 'Anti Social' Behaviour
***The Breakdown of Trust and Respect
**Chapter 11 Politics in Exile: The Profits of Inertia
***The LTTE in Exile
*Part 5
**Chapter 12 Conclusion
***The Scale of Tamil Asylum Migration
***The Incidence and Direction of Asylum Migration
***Responses to Resettlement in Switzerland
***A Tamil Response - A 'Strong' Diaspora
***Asylum and the Migration Challenge

05:59, 7 டிசம்பர் 2015 இல் கடைசித் திருத்தம்

A Tamil Asylum Diaspora: Sri Lankan Migration Settlement and Politics in Switzerland
நூலக எண் 15237
ஆசிரியர் Christopher McDowell
நூல் வகை இலங்கை வரலாறு
மொழி ஆங்கிலம்
வெளியீட்டாளர் Berghahn Books‎‎‎‎
வெளியீட்டாண்டு 1996
பக்கங்கள் 308


பதிப்புரிமையாளரின் எழுத்துமூல அனுமதி இதுவரை பெறப்படாததால் இந்த ஆவணத்தினை நூலக வலைத்தளத்தினூடாக வெளியிட முடியாதுள்ளது. இந்த வெளியீடு உங்களுடையது என்றால் அல்லது இதன் பதிப்புரிமையாளரை நீங்கள் அறிவீர்கள் என்றால் முறையான அனுமதி பெற உதவுமாறு கேட்டுக் கொள்கிறோம்.

மேலதிக விபரங்கள்


  • List of Figures
  • List of Maps
  • List of Tables
  • Acknowledgements
  • List of Abbreviations
  • Glossary
  • part 1 Introduction and Research
    • Chapter 1 Introduction Asylum Diaspora
      • A Diaspora
      • Refugees and Academia
      • The Structure of this Study
    • Chapter 2 Fildwork and Research Methods
      • Entering the Field
      • Responsibilities of Fieldwork
      • Archivel Research
      • The Retrieval of Information
      • Interviews and Participant Observation
    • Chapter 3 Swiss Public Opinion, Asylum Policy Reform and the Repatriation Agreement
      • Introduction
      • Economic Recession, Increased Social Assistance and Asylum Policy
      • Switzerland, Europe and Foreigners
      • Switzerland and Minorities
      • The Voluntary Return of Tamil Asylum Seekers
      • Conclusion
  • Part 2 Sri Lanka and Conflict
    • Chapter 4 Srilanka -Violence, Nationalism and Migration
      • Authoritarianism and Nationalism
      • Tamil Politics
      • Ethnic Identities and Tamil Militancy
      • The 'Jaffnaness' of Rebellion
      • Tamil Migration
    • Chapter 5 Sri Lanka 1983 to 1991 - Conflict
      • From the July 1987 Indo - Srilankan Agreement to 1991
      • The Defeat of the UNP and the January 1995 Cease - fire
  • Part 3 Tami Asylum Entry into Switzerland
    • Chapter 6 Switzerland's Tamil Asylum Migrant Population
      • Introduction
      • Gender, Age and Religion
      • Marriage and Family
      • Demographic Origins and Caste
      • Changing Patterns
      • Islanders and Indernal Migration
      • Employment and Education
      • Grounds for Asylum and Group Membership
      • The Tamil Asylum Population : a Profile
    • Chapter 7 Early - Phase Asylum Migration 1983to 1985
      • First Arrivals Prior to the July 1983 Riots
      • Migration After the July 1983 Riots
      • Migration in 1984 and 1985
      • Early Phase Asylum Migration : The Decision to Leave
      • The Strategy of Flight
    • Chapter 8 Middle - Phase Asylum Migration 1988
      • Indtroduction
      • 1986 - The Security Situation Calms
      • 1986 - Grounds for Asylum
      • 1987 - The Violence Returns
      • 1987 and 1988 - Operations 'Liberation' and 'Pawan' and Entry into Switzerland
      • Consolidative Anticipatory Migration
      • Island Migrants
      • Interior Peninular Migrants
      • Women Asylum Seekers and Marriage
      • Entry into Switzerland During 1988
      • Women, Conflict and Migration
      • Summary
    • Chapter 9 Late Phase Asylum Migration 1989 to 1991
      • Introduction
      • Tamil Entry and Swiss Policy
      • The Security Sisuation from 1989to 1991
      • The Movement and Patterns of Asylum Migration
      • Demographic Origins of Tamil Migrants
      • The Eact and the Vanni
      • Islanders
      • Caste
      • Strategies of Miggration
      • Cost and Journey
  • Part 4 Diaspora Divisions, Formation and Politics
    • Chapter 10 Immigrants and Asylum Seekers
      • Introduction
      • The Question of Caste and Religious Worship
      • Pressures to Remit
      • Dependency on Social Assistance and 'Anti Social' Behaviour
      • The Breakdown of Trust and Respect
    • Chapter 11 Politics in Exile: The Profits of Inertia
      • Introduction
      • The LTTE in Exile
      • Conclusion
  • Part 5
    • Chapter 12 Conclusion
      • The Scale of Tamil Asylum Migration
      • The Incidence and Direction of Asylum Migration
      • Responses to Resettlement in Switzerland
      • A Tamil Response - A 'Strong' Diaspora
      • Asylum and the Migration Challenge
  • Bibliography
  • Index