முன்னொட்டுச் சுட்டியுடன் உள்ள அனைத்துப் பக்கங்களும்
நூலகம் இல் இருந்து
- I. P. K. F ன் தமிழினப் படுகொலை 1987-1989
- IBC தமிழ் 2017.03.01
- IBC தமிழ் 2017.04.01
- IBC தமிழ் 2017.05.01
- IBC தமிழ் 2017.08.15
- IBC தமிழ் 2017.10.15
- IBC தமிழ் 2017.11.15
- IBC தமிழ் 2018.02
- IBC தமிழ் 2018.06.15
- IBC தமிழ் 2019.01
- ICES Publications Catalogue 2009
- ICES Research Papers 2012.07
- ICES Working Papers 2012.05
- ICES Working Papers 2012.08
- IDP Newsletter 2006.07-08 (4)
- IMPA Journal 2017.12 (11.1)
- IMPA Journal 2018.12 (12.1)
- IMPA Journal 2020.12 (14.1)
- IPKF in Eelam
- IQ: கோலங்களும் வடிவங்களும் & கணிதத்திறன்
- ISIS பயங்கரத்தின் முகம்
- I Faced It All
- I Remember Being the Memoirs of I. P. T.
- I Speak Without Fear...
- I Stake My Life
- I Want to go to Jaffna
- Ibn Batuta in the Maldives and Ceylon
- Icones Plantarum Indiae Orientalis: or Plates and Descriptions of New and Rare Plants from Southern India and Ceylon
- Identity, Infection and Fear: A Preliminary Analysis of Covid- 19 Drivers and Responses in Sri Lanka
- Identity-Talk, and Tales my Mother Told Me
- Ideologe and the Constitution
- Ideology, Caste, Class and Gender
- Ideology and the Constitution
- Illustrated Guide to the Royal Botanic Gardens Peradeniya
- Images
- Images of Jaffna
- Images of Srilanka through American Eyes
- Imagining Hinduism: A Postcolonial Perspective
- Imagining Karma
- Impact 2021
- Impact 2021.06
- Impact of Tobacco Vs. Alternative Crop Cultivation on the Socio - Economic Status of Farmers
- Importance of Indigenous knowledge for Food Security: In Relation to Paddy Cultivation
- Improving Spoken English
- In A Time of Burning
- In Commemoration of Rev. James Lynch: Inception of Jaffna Central College 2013
- In My Mother's House
- In Old Ceylon
- In Pursuit of a Mythical State of Tamil Eelam
- In Ruhunu Jungles (Ceylon)
- In Search of Ceylon
- In The Company of Saints
- In The Days of Sri Wickramarajasingha (Last King of Kandy)
- In The Land of Strangers
- In The Spring
- Inaugural Address
- Inaugural Address by secretery general comrade suresh premnachandran at the second congress of the elam people's...
- Inaugural Conference 2010 - London
- Inaugural Lecture: University of Jaffna
- Income Tax Wealth Tax and Gifts Tax in Sri Lanka
- Independence of The Judiciary in Sri Lanka - Since Independence
- Independent Ceylon
- Index To The Ceylon Government Gazette 1899.01-06
- Index To The Ceylon Government Gazette 1899.07-12
- Index to The Journals and Proceedings of the Ceylon Branch...
- Index to the Mahawansa
- Index to the Mahawansa (1907)
- India's Ancient Chronology and Civilisation
- India, Burma and Ceylon : Information for Travellers and Residents, With Four Maps
- India, Ceylon, Straits Settlements, British North Borneo, Hong- Kong
- India-Sri Lanka Consultation On Devolution
- India 'We Tamils' and Sri Lanka
- India - Sri Lanka: Relations and Sri Lanka' s Ethnic Conflict Documents 1947-2000 (Volume I)
- India And Sri Lanka - China Relations (1948-84)
- India Ceylon Straits Settlements British North..
- India Impressions
- India and Ceylon
- India in Ceylonese History Society and Culture
- India in Ceylonese History Society and Culture (1964)
- India in Sri Lanka: Between Lion and the Tigers
- Indian Estate Labour in Ceylon During The Coffee Period
- Indian Immigrant Plantation Workers in Sri Lanka: A Historical Perspective 1880 - 1910
- Indian Intervention in Sri Lanka
- Indian Peacekeeping Force in Sri Lanka 1987-1989
- Indian invasion of Sri Lanka
- Indians in Malaysia and Singapore
- Indians in Sri Lanka: A Historical Study
- Indictment Against Sri Lanka
- Indische Reisebriefe
- Indivisible Human Rights The Relationship of Political and Civil Rights to Survival, Subsistence and Poverty
- Indo - Ceylon Relations Since Independence
- Indo - Sri Lankan Relations: With Special Reference To The Tamil Problem
- Indo - Sri Lankan Relations: With Special Reference To The Tamil Problem (1989)
- Indo Lanka Ethnic Affinities - 1
- Indo Lanka Ethnic Affinities - 3
- Indus Civilization
- Industrial Ceylon 1967.06
- Industrial Ceylon 1979.12
- Industrial Conflict
- Industrial Policies and Employment Generation in Sri Lanka
- Infectious Diseases - Some Selected Articles
- Influential Leadership - Series 2
- Info - Travel: Sri Lanka
- Informal Dispute Resolution in The north East and Puttalam
- Informal Economy in the Conflict Region of Sri Lanka: An Exploration - Working Paper 6
- Information Communication Technology: Grade 11
- Information Update 2006.05 (4.5)
- Information and Communication Technology: Grade 11
- Information and Communication Technology: Grade 8 - Workbook
- Information and Communication Technology: Grade 9 - Workbook
- Information post 2006.07-08
- Inge Va: Sinna Dirai's Pocket Tamil Guide
- Inheritance
- Ink on My Fingers
- Inner Glory yoga practices for adults & seniors
- Innisai Maalai: Arunodaya College Alaveddy Old Students Association 2017
- Inogranic Chemistry
- Insearch Of Development: Sarvodaya Effort To Harmonize Tradition With Change
- Inside Report 1993.07.01
- Inside Report 1993.08.01
- Inside Report 1993.08.15
- Inside Report 1993.09.01
- Inside Report 1993.09.15
- Inside Report 1993.10.05
- Inside Report 1993.10.25
- Inside Report 1993.12.01
- Inside Report 1994.01.15
- Inside Report 1995.08.15
- Inside an Elusive Mind: Prabhakaran
- Inspire 2021.06
- Inspire 2021.07
- Inspire 2021.08
- Inspiring Talks of Swami Ramdas in Sri lanka
- Installation Ceremony of 8th President: Rotary Club of Kilinochchi Town 2021 - 2022
- Installation Service of Rev. Anthony Ariyaratnam Paul 2000
- Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales: Departement Asie du sud
- Institute Day 2007-2008
- Institute Of Policy Studies: Issues Concerning Womens Employment in South Asia An Overview
- Institute of indigenous Medicine University of Colombo: undergradute Degree programmes 2019/2020
- Institute of indigenous Medicine University of Colombo Sri Lanka: Annual Report and Annual Accounts 2010
- Institutes of The Laws of Ceylon
- Institutes of The Laws of Ceylon Vol (ll)
- Institutional Assessement Consolidated Report
- Instructions From The Governor-General and Council of India to The Governor of Ceylon
- Instructions from The Governor-General and Council of India to The Governor of Ceylon (1656 - 1665)
- Integral Perfection
- Integrated Sdg Insights Report Sri Lanka
- Inter Racial Equity And National Unity In Sri Lanka
- Interact Clubs - Jaffna Directory 94-95
- Interim Reports of the Commission of Inquiry into the Involuntary Removal or Disappearance of Persons in the Central, North Western, North Central and Uva Provinces
- Interim Reports of the Commission of Inquiry into the Involuntary Removal or Disappearance of Persons in the Northern & Eastern Provinces
- Interludes
- International & Regional Security Implications of the Sri Lanka Tamil Insurgency
- International Association Of Lions Clubs: Lions Club of Thirunelvely Circle 2006
- International Association of Lions Clubs: Lions Club of Kokuvil 2006-2007
- International Conference: Dialogue between buddhism and Islam
- International Conference - Seminar of Tamil Studies 1974
- International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics Vol. V No. 2
- International Journal of Ethnic and Social Studies 2010.06 (1.1)
- International Medical Health Organization Fith International Annual Convention 2008
- International Movement for Tamil Culture - Manickam Yogeswaran 2000
- Internet & Email
- Internos 2023.07
- Internos 2023.08
- Internos 2023.09
- Internos 2023.12
- Internos 2024.01
- Internos 2024.03
- Internos 2024.04
- Internos 2024.06
- Internos 2024.07
- Internos 2024.08
- Internos 2024.09
- Internos 2024.10
- Interrogating the Norms - Women Challenging Violence in an Adversarial State
- Intersecting Marginalities: Social - Exclusion of Women With Disabilities in Sri Lanka
- Interventions in the Devolution Debate
- Introducing Ceylon
- Introduction to Economics - I
- Introduction to Indian Art
- Introduction to Indian Art (1956)
- Introduction to Jaffna Cookery
- Introduction to Literature
- Introduction to Zoology Through Buddhism
- Introductory Trainning Manual: Market Town Water Supply Jaffna project
- Inuvil the story of the Mcleod hospital
- Inventaris van's lands archief te Batavia (1602 - 1816)
- Irrigated India: An Australian View of India and Ceylon, Their Irrigation and Agriclture
- Irrigation Management policy Support Activity
- Irrigation Technical Assistants Union: Silver Jobilee 1978
- Is The All Ceylon tamil Congress Communal?
- Islamic Influences on Interanational Philoshophy and Law
- Islamica Zeylanica
- Islamising a Muslim Nation: Politics of Identity, Legitimacy and Security in Pakistan
- Island Interlude
- Island of blood
- Islanded: Britain, Sri Lanka & The Bounds of an Indian Ocean Colony
- Issues in Privatisation in Sri Lanka
- Issues of Stamp Duty
- It is Time to Prioritise Mental Health in the Workplace
- Ivilly Pevilly: The Gastronome's Guide to the Culinary History & Heritage of Sri Lanka