முன்னொட்டுச் சுட்டியுடன் உள்ள அனைத்துப் பக்கங்களும்
நூலகம் இல் இருந்து
- G.C.E.A/L கணக்கீடு வங்கிக் கணக்கிணங்கற் கூற்று பயிற்சி நூல்
- G.C.E. (A/L) General English: Model Papers
- G.C.E. O/L English Desk Work Based on The Revised...
- G.C.E (A/L) Applied Mathematics Dynamics
- G.C.E (A/L) Applied Mathematics Dynamics (1988)
- G.C.E (A/L) Physics: Mechanics volume 1
- G.C.E (A/L) Thermo Chemistry
- G.C.E (A/L) தூய கணிதம்: வரிசை மாற்றமும் சேர்மானமும்
- G.C.E (A/L) மூலக்கூற்று உயிரியல் 1
- G.C.E A' Level Students Day 2007
- G. C. E A/L Chemistry: Organic Conversions
- GCE (OL) English Literature - Poems
- GCE OL English Literature Poems
- GSP+ மற்றும் இலங்கை
- Gandhi and Sri Lanka 1905-1947
- Gandhiyam
- Gate Mudaliyar C. Thiagarajah
- Gateway to Tri-Language Study
- Gautama The Buddha and Karl Marx
- Gems of Sri Lanka
- Gender Based Violence Sri Lanka
- Gendering Humanitarianism
- Gendering the Tsunami: Women’s Experiences
- General English
- General English (2018)
- General English Volume 1
- General English for G. C. E (A/L) 2004
- General Information Technology
- General Knowledge
- General Principles of Criminal Liability in Ceylon: A Comparative Analysis
- Generalkatalog 1736-1850
- Generalkatalog 1900 1-3
- Genesis
- Genesis And Exodus, XX
- Genetic Origins of The Tamils
- Genocidal Violence (Enters) Creeps in as the Black Deepavali into the heartland of the "Ceylon Tea" Plantations
- Genocide Against Tamils in Sri Lanka
- Genocide Chronicle
- Genocide Sri Lanka
- Genocide in Sri Lanka
- Genocide of Innocent Sri Lankan Tamils in Mid Sea
- Geographical Aspects of The Northern Province: XV Governors' Conference 2012
- Geographical Pathology: An Inquiry into the Geographical Distribution of...
- Geography: Grade 10
- Geography: Grade 6
- Geography: Grade 7
- Geography: Grade 8
- Geography: Grade 9
- Gesandtschaftsreise nach Ceylon
- Ghana Mazhai 2011
- Ghana Mazhai 2012
- Ghana Mazhai 2013
- Ghana Mazhai 2014
- Giraya
- Give Healthy Food for Your Preschool Child
- Gleanings: A Lankan's Views as a Columnist
- Gleanings: A Lankan's Views as a Columnist (2019)
- Gleanings from Ancient Tamil Literature
- Glimpses: Jeyalakshmi Satyendra
- Glimpses of Ceylon's Past
- Glimpses of Tamil Grievances (1977-1983)
- Glimpses of the Eelam Tamil Heritage
- Global Express 2012.03-04 (2.9)
- Global Trends, Migration & Social Transformations
- Globalization and the Transformation of Planetary Rituals in Southern Sri Lanka
- Glories of Shaivaism
- Glorious Jaffna
- Glossary Terms Agriculture, Botany, Chemistry, Zoology (1955 - 1958)
- Glossary of Technical Terms
- Glossary of Technical Terms: Library and Information Science
- Glossary of Technical Terms in Philosophy
- Go Forward Institute
- Go not Gently into the night but Rage, Rage Against the Dying of the Light
- Going Behind The Camouflages: Resettlement of the war affected IDPs in Sri Lanka
- Going Down: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Peradeniya 2004-2005
- Going Down - 2003/2004 to 2002/2003
- Gold, Gems, And Pearls in Ceylon And Southern India
- Golden Jubilee: KM/ Vipulananda Central College 2000
- Golden Jubilee Lanka Siddha Ayurvedic Medical College Jaffna 1925-1980
- Golden Jubilee Souvenir 1920-1970
- Golden Jubilee Souvenir Moors' Islamic Cultural Home 1994
- Golden Jubilee Souvenir of Commercial Education: Jaffna Central College 1920-1970
- Golden Jubilee Souvenir of The Ramakrishna Mission Sri Lanka Centre 1930-1980
- Golden Jubilee Souvenir the Ramakrishna Mission 1980
- Golden Jubille 1998
- Golden Memory of Mr. Baskaran Balasingham
- Golden Prism
- Golden Rock Temple of Dambulla
- Golden Tips: A Description of Ceylon and its Great Tea Industry
- Golden Tips: A Description of Ceylon and its Great Tea Industry (1900)
- Golden Tips: A Descriptions of Ceylon and its Great Tea Industry (1994)
- Good Governance in Ethnically Heterogeneous Societies
- Good Morning DXN: உற்பத்திப் பொருட்கள் பற்றிய அறிவு
- Governance Journal (4)
- Governance Journal 2001 (1)
- Governance Journal 2003 (2)
- Governance Journal 2017 (7)
- Governance Journal 2018 (8)
- Governance and Development: Redrawing The Lines
- Government & Politics in The Twentieth Century
- Government Stores Department Catalogue & Price List 1951
- Government and Politics Of Sri Lanka
- Government and Politics in ceylon 1931 - 1946
- Government of Ceylon Legislative Enactments
- Government of Ceylon Legislative Enactments: Penal Code
- Government of the North East Province Administration (Interim) Report of Ministry of health 1989
- Govt. Has Misused and Abused Power
- Graduation Ceremony: Gamini Dissanayake Institute of Technology & Vocational Studies 2015-2016
- Grand Cultural Evening: Jaffna Hindu College Old Boy's Association (UK) 1992
- Grass For My Feet
- Greek Myths and Other Legends
- Green Aisles: A Story of the Jungles of Ceylon
- Green Diplomat
- GroundWork of History
- Ground Water Quality Patterns of the Jaffna - Valikamam Region
- Ground Water in Jaffna
- Growing: An Autobiography of the Years 1904 - 1911
- Guide To Banking In Sri lanka
- Guide book english letter writing: ஆங்கிலத்தில் கடிதம் எழுதுவது எப்படி வழிகாட்டி புத்தகம்
- Guide to Scout Leaders
- Guideline For Project Formulation and Evaluation - Part l
- Guidelines for Examiners
- Guidelines for Tourism Related Buildings in Pottuvil Pradeshiya Sabha
- Guidelines on Disaster Management
- Guidelines on Government Tender Procedure
- Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement
- Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement: A Toolkit for Dissemination Advocacy and Analysis
- Guns were Directed Towards the Wrong People